Relief from Lower Back Pain at Atlas Chiropractic of Asheville

March 16, 2018

"I think he gave me an understanding of my problem. Nobody really explained to me what my problem was. They would use terms like L4, L3, L5. I thought it was a play we were going to do at football. The point is David took the time to let me know what all of this meant. When he knew that my problem was lower back, again going back to what he said, 'Let's see how this works. I'm not sure if I can help you.' I'll never forget those words but my God it was fabulous."

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Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
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This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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