Neck Pain and Stiffness Relieved Naturally with Atlas Chiropractic of Asheville Patient Testimonial

November 5, 2017

Dr. David Nygaard: Hi, this is Ned. Ned had his first upper cervical adjustment yesterday and he's been to chiropractors in the past. He's going to share his story with you. Ned: As many chiropractors as I've seen, my little brother among many relatives and friends since '95 or so after a military career of beating up my back parachuting and such and distance running, I've seen a lot of chiropractors and I always get results. However, this is the first chiropractor that has stressed Atlas and I am pleasantly surprised and kind of shocked that with one adjustment that I barely felt yesterday, I experienced no pain the next morning or like you often do with the vigorous adjustments, and I was able to retain the adjustment overnight so I'm a believer. Dr. David Nygaard: What did you notice symptomatically or in your body after that adjustment? Ned: I noticed that the pain and stiffness in my neck has gone away and likely the reason I assume the reason I don't feel the lower pain coming back is because again, it all starts at Atlas, so we keep that straight, hopefully the rest will stay straight too. Dr.David Nygaard: Thanks much. That's perfect.

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190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



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Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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