Dr. David Nygaard: Hi, this is Carol. She's been a patient for about 10 years, and she's had really positive results over the last 10 years with Atlas Care. It's helped her functioning level. She's going to share what her experience has been and how it's helped her neck pain and helped her functioning. Carol: As a child, I was what would be considered a tomboy. I knew that I fell out of a tree right on my head. Consequently, as the years passed and I began to have more issues with the neck and that related to the head, sometimes headaches that were not a sinus infection but pain in the neck and the head, I realized that chiropractic care was going to require something a little bit different than the normal chiropractic care I'd been receiving. And that is when I opted to have Dr. Nygaard work with me on the Atlas Plan to bring relief. Definitely that has made a big difference in my life throughout the years. Dr. David Nygaard: How is your life better, Carol? You've really used this as part of your toolbox. Carol: I am a person who does not like to sit still too long and definitely have had many desires to do things that assist other people. Consequently, I am able to make the trips to Spain, make trips to Mexico and other places simply because my body is in a functioning mode, and there's not the pain, not the stress related that one might experience. And since I am now 77, it's very good to be able to have that ability to move around and do the things that I like to do. Dr. David Nygaard: Thank you so much, Carol.