Migraines Treated Naturally at Atlas Chiropractic of Asheville Patient Testimonial

November 5, 2017

Dr. David Nygaard: April's been coming to the office since last June. She has wonderful story to tell about poor experience with debilitating migraines and the positive impact that Atlas Orthogonals had on her life. So, April's going to share her story. April: So, I've been coming to Dr. Nygaard for almost a year. I had recently moved to the Asheville area from Georgia and I was going to another Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor for about a year prior to that. I knew when I came to Asheville that I wanted to find someone else just like him and I found Dr. Nygaard. I have been struggling with migraines for years, they are very debilitating, my worst ones I get nausea, fatigue, don't really feel like doing anything except laying in a dark room. But at first, when I came to Dr. Nygaard he implemented a six-week timeline to come and get adjusted and I feel like after a couple months I started noticing a difference. My migraines were less frequent, less debilitating. But also what I like about his office is that if I ever need to come in because of a migraine then Laura, the receptionist up front, usually can get me in that day or whatever works with my schedule. The appointments are really quick and what I like about it too is that you can get in and get out and get adjusted and get on with your day. Dr. David Nygaard: Excellent. April: Is that good?

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190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



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Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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