Dr. David Nygaard: He has a seizure disorder. He gets tremendous results. Now he's out of adjustment. He's going to talk about his experience here and how he feels now. Michael: Hi. I've been getting treatments for the past six weeks. When I first started coming here, I had headache pain, mid-back, neck, and just about everything, because I walk around a lot. Treatments are really help me. It's improved my both physical and mental whatever you call it. Today my neck hurts. I found out that it's out of adjustment. It hurts, but I know that after the treatment, I'll feel better. Usually the effects takes about two days, but after that, I just feel great. Dr. David Nygaard: How's it helped with your seizures, Michael? Michael: I haven't had hardly any. Dr. David Nygaard: What was it like before with your seizures? Michael: I have them all the time. I think most of it is stress-related. One of the benefits of the treatments here is it alleviates the physical pain, and it helps me to be more focused positively, but the seizures are not ... I haven't had ... I don't recall having ... probably had one seizure since I've been back in treatment, but before, it was a lot more. Dr. David Nygaard: That's great. Thank you very much. Michael: You're welcome.