Upper Cervical Chiropractic and the Vagus Nerve

The Cranial nerve is also referred to as the Vagus Nerve. The Latin word Vagus means wandering. This nerve is named because it originates in the medulla part of the brain stem, then winds through the body. Networking the brain with the stomach and digestive system, heart, spleen, intestines, liver, and kidneys, the lungs, 

The vagus nerve is a major parasympathetic nerve. The PNS or Nervous parasympathetic system helps keep us stable and helps heal our bodies. The PNS is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system (or SNS). Also known as the fight or flight system, the PNS is the Wine and Dine system. 

Vagal Tone 

Everyone has a specific Vagal tone. The strength of our tone is measured by how quickly our body can relax after stress. The stronger your vagus activity, the faster your body responds to a relaxed state after a stressful moment. 

Vagal tone (or VT) is the strength of your vagus response. The VT can be determined by measuring your heart rate and getting your HRV or heart rate variability.

A high vagal tone lets your body regulate blood glucose levels better and reduces the likelihood of things like diabetes, stroke, or other types of cardiovascular diseases. A higher VT means that your body can relax faster after experiencing stress. A higher VT is also directly related to a better mood and feeling less anxiety. 

A lower vagal tone, as part of the immune system, inflammation is helpful when trying to help the body heal after an injury. Still, it can damage organs and blood vessels if it persists when not needed. 

Why Upper Cervical Chiropractic 

The vagus nerve and upper cervical chiropractors go hand in hand because of the link between the essential nerves and the spine and upper neck. Spinal health plays a role in directing the health of the vagus nerve. Suppose the spine is altered in its position or ability to move. In that case, the information to and from the vagus nerve becomes interrupted. That's why chiropractic adjustments play an essential role in aligning and moving the spine to assure vagus nerve activity is doing its job correctly.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic plays a vital role in reducing chronic disease through adjustments that directly influence vagal nerve function. Research shows that Chriocpic adjustments can improve HRV by bossing the health function of the vagus nerve. By enhancing the vagus nerve, you will improve the way your entire nervous system functions. Resulting in lowering your risk for chronic disease and increasing your life span.

A better functioning nervous system will experience overall better health through regular chiropractic care. Call Us At  (828) 253-0700  for more information. 


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