Golf and Upper Cervical Care

Every year August brings us National Golf Month. During this month, you might be trying to get all your swings in before the summer is over. Many golf courses and driving ranges offer discounts and deals during August to get everyone participating. 

Of the 25 million people who enjoy golfing, many of those players suffer from chronic pain. Golf requires a repetitive motion and uses a variety of muscles in your entire body. It requires most of the repetitive motion on one side of the spine. Because of this, your body may find it hard to efficiently guide your swing and have a load of stress on the lower back, neck, and wrists. 

The mechanics of your golf swing starts with your nervous system. That's why upper cervical care will keep your swing on track. By not having a properly aligned and balanced head on the vertebra, the signals that travel from your brain to your nervous system to all of your body parts, your body can be disrupted or distorted. Resulting in experiencing symptoms and developing pain, all while affecting your performance. 

To prevent the interference between your brain and body from communicating correctly, you must maintain balance and alignment on top of your neck. Upper cervical care will help you restore balance to your body and remove the interference. 

You can improve your golf game by making regular visits to the chiropractor. 

Your body can be balanced and function better, resulting in a BETTER GOLF GAME. An upper cervical correction is a gentle, non-invasive way to fix your pain. By applying a precise and controlled touch to your head, neck, and spine, your body can be restored and have balance by removing the interference in communication signals. 

There are many benefits of chiropractic care. Not only can it help with your golf swing, but also a tool to keep you on track to a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular adjustments can keep your body on track and perform maximum mobility at the top of your game. Even if you do not suffer from pain or injuries, chiropractic can help prevent injury in the future. 

Contact Atlas Chiropractic today for more information on how we can help reduce the chance of injury for golfers and promote healing! 

Good posture is a sign of many things; one of those things is a well-functioning brain. The body and central nervous system are connected. Your posture results from a developed proprioception, balance, coordination, and muscle function.

What is Proprioception? 

Proprioception (or kinesthesia) is our perception of our body's position and movement. The term "proprioception" was coined by neuropsychologist C.S. Sherrington, the combined Latin word for "one's own" and reception. Meaning paying attention to ourselves. 

If you think about it, you know exactly where every part of your body is. You know if your knees bend straight or not. You can close your eyes and touch your nose. This is because your proprioceptive sense lets you know where your body parts are.

These sensations are signals of sensory receptors within your muscle, skin, and joints. Proprioception helps us be aware of our own limbs in relation to external objects, control our movements, and keep our bodies properly aligned. 

Why proprioception matters

Proprioception benefits our bodies in numerous ways, from improving reaction time and speed to preventing injuries and improving balance. It's even been linked to reducing stress and being able to pay closer attention to things. 

Our proprioception worsens as we age, thus the higher risk for injury and falls resulting from things like twisted ankles or displaced hips. Diseases like Parkinson's can also affect your proprioception. 

Here are some tips to improve your posture and develop proper proprioception. 

Work on ways to Improve Your Balance 

Balance is directly linked to proprioception. It's impossible to balance yourself without the ability. That and proper posture require this ability and focus. That's why focusing on the issue of poor proprioception is going to generate more positive results. 

We may not realize how often we use our balance because it's a part of our everyday life. People who have poor balance can find the simplest movements difficult to perform. If you want coordination of good posture, it's vital to maintain good balance. 

There are many different ways to improve your balance. For example, Yoga is a great way to get low-impact exercise while improving balance and coordination. Try yoga-based balance poses like the single-leg Tree Pose. 

Practice proper Breathing Methods 

It's common for us to breathe with short, shallow breaths. But when we become more aware of our breathing habits, we can focus on taking slow deep long breaths. Breathing deeply and filling our lungs with air is directly related to posture. 

Deep breathing has been linked to decreasing stress, improving posture, increasing cognitive function, and decreasing pain levels, all while boosting your energy. 

Make Regular Visits to the Chiropractor  

Research has often shown that chiropractic adjustments focus on lower back or neck pain and musculoskeletal problems. While still associated with chiropractors, that's no longer just the case. More and more evidence shows that adjustments can transform the structure and function of the nervous system and brain. 

Regular chiropractic adjustments can improve proprioception, posture, balance, and coordination. 

Posture is a direct indication of brain functionality. Correcting the linked problems o proprioception and proper posture will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Upper Neck Pain: What You Need to KnowIt’s hard to know what the culprit is with neck pain – is it your pillow, headrest, or swivel chair? Is it your posture or that bike injury you had a few years ago? Perhaps it’s whiplash from a minor car accident that you never thought could have such long-lasting complications.

No matter what the influence – injury, exercise, posture, or another factor – neck pain is possible to beat. And one of the most promising, and absolutely non-invasive and drug-free, tools in the medical field is Atlas Orthogonal treatment, which works with your body to heal itself, not against it. Atlas Orthogonal works directly with the top bone of the neck to restore its proper alignment, building a bridge of health between the body and brain.

The Atlas Orthogonal Approach to Neck Pain: Proven and Effective

If there was one key to resolving upper neck pain, it lies in the gentle and specific adjustments that Dr. Nygaard performs to the top bone of the neck, the atlas. Deliberately manipulating the very first vertebrae in the neck allows your body’s natural healing defenses to kick in by restoring the organic flow of brain-body communication. Through this bone, the nerves of the brain stem run and disperse throughout the rest of the body. When your atlas bone is out of line, however, a communication barrier is put up between the brain and the rest of the body and often, signals are missed or do not go through properly. Just like a perfectly oiled machine, when the atlas bone is aligned correctly, the whole spinal column is likely operating well. When it’s out of whack, due to injury, a lifetime of poor posture and sleep positions, vigorous exercise, or any one of numerous factors, there is a distortion at the brainstem that can cause everything from immune system depression to swelling and pain in the neck area.

After a professional atlas evaluation and the correction of misalignment – or subluxation, the chiropractic term – is resolved, patients find improvement from a multitude of angles. Physically, they feel less pain, inflammation and swelling. Mentally, because the communication lines between the body and brain are cleared, there is a lifting of brain fog. Emotionally, some patients feel that there is an easing and relaxing into a dramatically improved quality of life.

What Can Dr. Nygaard Do For You?

As the only Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor in Western North Carolina, Dr. Nygaard specializes in helping people in pain heal by creating a treatment plan specific to them. Using state-of-the-art diagnostic technology, he will examine you to assess the alignment of your neck. Even a minor misalignment can cause people major pain, so he will determine with absolute precision what the best alignment action is for you. The X-rays that Dr. Nygaard takes are computer analyzed for accuracy, and exact calculations are made that trigger a gentle instrument to adjust your atlas. There is no pain whatsoever, and in fact, some patients immediately feel relaxed and relieved directly after the adjustment.

For the future of your neck and a life free of pain, an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment might be the one thing you haven’t tried; it might be the one thing that works for you, for the long-term.



Your Guide to Pain Management in Asheville NCOver 100 million Americans now live with chronic pain. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, this burden of everyday discomfort not only costs us our health and happiness, but also costs our country a cool $635 billion dollars annually - and that was back in 2010. More importantly, being in a constant state of inflammation affects our mood, our relationships, and our interactions with our fellow teammates in this thing we call life.

Preventative care is the key to unlocking the treasure chest of health that each one of us can access. Drug-free solutions don\'t have to be complex or expensive. Instead, they begin with the simple things: food, self-care, rest, a stress-less lifestyle, and, of course, top-notch chiropractic care.

The Most Common Types of Pain<

Lower back pain is the winner here. As a result of poor posture, bad ergonomics at work or at home. Looking for Safe, Effective Pain Management in Asheville, NC?

Read more about Pain Management.

Severe Lower Back Pain: Your Personal Plan for RecoveryBeen moving furniture lately and forgetting to lift with your knees and not your back? Or perhaps you slipped and feel on an icy step and your back just hasn’t felt right since? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to turn to prescription medications to smother your pain.

Over one-third of those who pay a visit to their chiropractor are seeking relief for their back pain. Sports and professional injuries, physically demanding jobs, and motor vehicle accidents are some of the most common causes of lower back pain…but what’s a person to do who has struggled with severe lower back pain for months or even years?

Chiropractic Care is the Answer to Acute or Chronic Back Ache

The evidence for addressing lower back pain successfully points directly to chiropractic care. In 2010, a study involving nearly 3000 patients with acute or medium-term pain in the lower back demonstrated that quality chiropractic care beat out all the other treatment options. More than physical therapy, various doses of pain medication, and exercise regimens, chiropractic care resolved the problem and put patients on a path to a pain-free life.

Slipped or herniated disc causing nerve problems and pain in your spinal area or lower back? This issue is best addressed with a chiropractic care plan specific to neuropathy. A good chiropractor knows the precise arrangement of nerves and how painful they can be if pinched or lodged in the wrong position.

Stay Drug-Free and Healthy While You Heal

The best physical environment for healing is a body as clean as possible from prescription drugs. Contrary to popular belief, pharmaceutical medications don’t confront problems head on – they simply veil the symptoms. The true, root cause of back pain is often a misalignment between the delicate nervous system, the spine, and the joints in that area. Between an upper cervical alignment, a spinal disc decompression, and various other gentle techniques, chiropractic care manipulates your body carefully into its best shape so that you can continue healing on your own and conquer lower back pain for life.

After you make an appointment with one of our knowledgeable staff, you’ll see Dr. Nygaard, the sole doctor and owner of our clinic, who will perform an assessment of your physical health and develop a treatment plan for you specific to your pain and health goals. We help you work within your lifestyle to address your pain holistically, paying attention to all the cogs of your moving wheel.

Book an Appointment Now!

Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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