Looking for a Foot Doctor In Charlotte NC?

Looking for a Foot DoctorOf all the body parts that gain wear and tear with everyday usage, our feet are perhaps the worst victims of our lifestyles. Whether we're totally sedentary, working at a desk job for 10 hours a day, or just the opposite, putting constant stress on our feet with extreme exercise and sports, our feet suffer. The 52 bones that the feet contain make up a full one-quarter of all the bones in the body, meaning that regular care for our feet is just as important as caring for the rest of your musculoskeletal system. About 20% Americans suffer from regular foot problems each year. If you’re searching a foot doctor in Charlotte NC, look no further. Dr. Nygaard, located in Asheville, NC is one of the most esteemed chiropractors in the state, and specializes in resolving painful foot issues.

Common Foot Problems That We See

Here are some of the most common areas of the feet where people experience pain

Heel Pain

Pain on the bottom of the foot can range from painful conditions like plantar fascitis ('heel pain syndrome'), heel spur syndrome, and metatarsalgia. Heel pain syndrome occurs in 2 million people each year and can come on suddenly or gradually develop over time. It can be caused by obesity, which causes significant stress to fall on the heel. Chiropractic treatment is very useful in helping to manipulate the bones of the feet so that the stress is evenly distributed across the foot, relieving pain.

Pain at the Ball of the Foot

Beneath the area at the top of the foot where the toes join the rest of the foot is the ball. This area is particularly susceptible to conditions like metatarsal bone misalignment, also called metatarsalgia. Other foot problems in this area can result from fractures, breaks, or other injuries, or even from wearing the wrong shoe.

Pain on the Top of the Foot

Although less common that either of the two previous types of pain, top of the foot pain can be excruciating. Whether you've worn tight-fitting heels your whole life or your feet have slightly high or very low arches, you may experience pain in the bones and joints that inflames the surface of the foot. No matter how the top of the foot pain has gotten to where it is today, chiropractic care can aid in correcting it by delicately setting the bones of the feet back into place, eliminating discomfort.

Here at Atlas Brain and Body, we also see patients with foot problems on the side of the foot or heel problems, such as Achilles tendonitis. No matter what the source of your foot pain, we will work with you to ease you into a pain-free life, without expensive surgeries or dangerous medications. The health of your feet is in your hands; making an investment in their well-being now will provide you with years of pain-free walking and motion.

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment, neuropathy, disc compression, migraines, auto accident recovery.

Dr. Nygaard is the only doctor in the Western North Carolina area with this area of expertise and care. He is happy to customize a safe and effective treatment plan for you, so your free initial pre-consultation today.

How to Get Over a Car Accident and Heal Your BodyGetting over a car accident isn't quite the quick fix that we might hope it would be. Every year in North Carolina alone, there are around 110,000 people who are injured in a car wreck. Thousands of these crashes are related to speeding, and increasingly, more car accidents are related to distracted driving due to technology. You got it: texting while driving. But if you're in a wreck, it's likely that you’re going to suffer from a much worse injury than just 'text neck'. You ask how to get over a car accident? We answer: trust the experts.

Chiropractors Specialize in Car Accident Recovery

Even more often than the obvious damage (open wounds and abrasions, for instance), individuals who have been in car accidents suffer from hidden damage to muscles, ligaments, joints, and nerves. These areas of the body are the sovereign domain of the chiropractor, who has specialized techniques to correct the damage rather than smothering it with pharmaceuticals.

Working through the aftermath of a car crash takes more than just determination and some pain pills, it takes commitment to a healing plan that recovers your internal balance...or you risk being dependent on prescription drugs for life and never fully becoming well again

You're At Risk for More than Just Injury

There's no 'just getting over' a car wreck. But chiropractic care attunes your body so that it is in the best possible position to heal itself. Human bodies are remarkably flexible and prone to recovery, but not if they're misaligned or inflamed due to whiplash or a fracture or break.

But what most people don\'t know is that car accident victims are up to 80{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their life time, simply by virtue of having been in a car accident at some point. Those who already have arthritis at the time of the event find that their condition progresses faster post-accident. Of course, if you've been unlucky enough to have been in multiple car crashes, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis becomes even larger. Good prevention and chiropractic care is a must, in this situation.

The Waiting Game: Don't Play It

Did you know that over two-thirds of those who get into a car wreck experience pain later down the road? We're not talking about just a few weeks or months away. The majority of individuals who are in an accident and go untreated are in pain up to 10 years later!

Car accidents can shift the musculoskeletal alignment of your body for good, if you have internal injuries that go untreated. The impact of a crash can jar the delicate balance of your brain stem and your spine, resulting in tiredness, brain fog, immune system depletion, and a multitude of other symptoms that come with time. Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a specialized procedure that uses sonar waves to bring the top bone of the neck vertebrae back into its proper position, improving circulation and fluid movement and increasing brain and immune function systemically.

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment.

Dr. Nygaard is the only doctor in the Western North Carolina area with this area of expertise and care. He is happy to customize a safe and effective treatment plan for you today.

What to Do When You Are in a Car Accident and You’re the DriverGetting over a car accident isn't quite the quick fix that we might hope it would be. Every year in North Carolina alone, there are around 110,000 people who are injured in a car wreck. Thousands of these crashes are related to speeding, and increasingly, more car accidents are related to distracted driving due to technology. You got it: texting while driving. But if you're in a wreck, it’s likely that you’re going to suffer from a much worse injury than just 'text neck'. You ask how to get over a car accident? We answer: trust the experts.

Chiropractors Specialize in Car Accident Recovery

Even more often than the obvious damage (open wounds and abrasions, for instance), individuals who have been in car accidents suffer from hidden damage to muscles, ligaments, joints, and nerves. These areas of the body are the sovereign domain of the chiropractor, who has specialized techniques to correct the damage rather than smothering it with pharmaceuticals.

Working through the aftermath of a car crash takes more than just determination and some pain pills, it takes commitment to a healing plan that recovers your internal balance...or you risk being dependent on prescription drugs for life and never fully becoming well again.

You're At Risk for More than Just Injury

There's no 'just getting over' a car wreck. But chiropractic care attunes your body so that it is in the best possible position to heal itself. Human bodies are remarkably flexible and prone to recovery, but not if they're misaligned or inflamed due to whiplash or a fracture or break.

But what most people don't know is that car accident victims are up to 80{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their life time, simply by virtue of having been in a car accident at some point. Those who already have arthritis at the time of the event find that their condition progresses faster post-accident. Of course, if you've been unlucky enough to have been in multiple car crashes, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis becomes even larger. Good prevention and chiropractic care is a must, in this situation.

The Waiting Game: Don't Play It

Did you know that over two-thirds of those who get into a car wreck experience pain later down the road? We\'re not talking about just a few weeks or months away. The majority of individuals who are in an accident and go untreated are in pain up to 10 years later!

Car accidents can shift the musculoskeletal alignment of your body for good, if you have internal injuries that go untreated. The impact of a crash can jar the delicate balance of your brain stem and your spine, resulting in tiredness, brain fog, immune system depletion, and a multitude of other symptoms that come with time. Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a specialized procedure that uses sonar waves to bring the top bone of the neck vertebrae back into its proper position, improving circulation and fluid movement and increasing brain and immune function systemically

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment.



Causes of headachesA headache is one thing, a thing that affects roughly half of the worldwide population at least once per year. But a headache that you can’t understand is an entirely different animal, resulting in not only confusion but frustration. While you can work on minimizing your triggers as long as you know what they are, a headache that comes on out of the blue can be as puzzling as it is painful. You might think about what you’ve eaten that day, what you’ve had to drink, whether you’ve exercised, or how many hours you’ve been staring at the dim flicker of your computer screen. But here are some little understood causes of headaches you might not think about.

A Medication Overdose Headache

Of the over 200 types of headaches that plague the world’s population, there is one that many people are unfamiliar with. Yet, according to Manjit Matharu, neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, one in fifty people who complain of a headache are suffering from a medication overdose headache. In the UK, for example, the BBC has reported that up to one million people have absolutely preventable headaches that result solely from the intake of too many pills. In our pharmaceutical-reliant society, this is no surprise. But, of course, it is a vicious cycle: people take pain medications for various issues, wind up with a headache, and dose themselves with more meds. In this detrimental spin, there is no room for the body to heal itself.

Headaches After Trauma

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a well known fact of life, but post trauma headaches? While common, this phenomenon is less accepted, though just as prevalent. Although the most common types of headaches are migraines and tension or stress pains, trauma headaches are frequently seen amongst those who have experienced a physically jarring or fight-or-flight situation. A car accident or a sports injury are good examples of trauma that might spur a pattern of headaches minutes, days, or even months later. Other accompanying symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vertigo, brain fog, memory loss, sleeplessness or excess, and habit alteration. When you’ve experienced a traumatic event, your top priority should be taking care of your health. This may mean seeing a chiropractor like Dr. Nygaard who can help in reversing the effects of the trauma by realigning your body to its natural self-restoration.

Drug-Free Headache Relief

Luckily, there’s at least one healing modality that offers completely non-invasive, drug-free, and actually safe headache therapy. Dr. Nygaard specializes in helping people get to the root cause of their headaches, by making minor adjustments that help the brain and body to communicate with each other more easily, thereby improving your pain response and overall health.

NC Headache Clinic Frees Patients From Headache-Causing Drugs

One-quarter of American households include someone who suffers from migraines, and the most popular treatment for these painful, often throbbing headaches is prescription or over-the-counter medication. Why not? It’s fast and easy, and seems to get the job done. But did you know that a large percentage of severe headaches are actually caused by these drugs? The World Health Organization has reported that as many as 5{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} of all headaches might be drug-induced. When someone has a migraine or other unrelated pain such as arthritis, they often pop a pill, hoping that the pain will go away. When it doesn’t, they take another one, increasing the severity and length of their headaches each time. The cycle must be broken.

Drugs Worsen Headaches and Health

The side effects of the drugs that are used to manage pain typically include ‘headache’ as one of the listed symptoms. How’s that for irony? Nausea, vertigo, neck, jaw, and throat pain are just a few of the side effects listed on the most popular pain medications. According to the BBC in England, over one million people are experiencing headaches as a result of their pill-popping habit. These are utterly preventable, and can be addressed healthily with chiropractic care which gets down to the heart of the issue, analyzing the root cause of the headache instead of putting a ‘bandaid’ of medication on it.

Don’t Cover Up Your Pain (Could this be re-titled as Your Guide to Pain Management in Asheville, NC)

Smothering your pain is not the answer. Rather, it leads to a whirlpool of pain, stress, and frustration that you can’t seem to fight your way out of. If you’ve found yourself reaching for pain medications to smother your pain, we understand. It’s only natural to want to feel good. But by working with Dr. Nygaard to examine the cause of the pain, there is hope to resolve it without having to rely on headache-inducing, costly, and dangerous medications for the rest of your life.

At Atlas Brain and Body, a top-quality NC headache clinic, it is our mission to provide with you with resources, health, and help along your way to a drug-free, pain-free lifestyle. We were the first NC headache clinic to have digital x-rays, and pride ourselves on offering you a friendly, professional environment where you will be seen, heard, and understood.


Four Causes of Migraines that You Don’t KnowWhen the painful force of a migraine hits you, it can be impossible to describe. Like being hit in the head with a rock for some people and like being needled by a thousand tiny stingers for others, migraines occur in over 38 million Americans.

It is often said that until you’ve experienced a migraine, you can’t understand it. Caused by any number of things, migraines result in misery across the board. With one in four American households containing a member who experiences migraines, there’s no doubt about how widespread they are.

But what you probably don’t know is just how strange some of the causes of migraines can be.

  1. Bodily injury that causes the spinal cord to be misaligned with the brain, otherwise known as subluxation of the atlas, is a common cause of migraines. The Atlas Orthogonal approach to dealing with migraines is repositioning the head atop the body in its original position, allowing for a steady flow of blood and bodily fluid between the brain and the spinal cord. Car accidents are frequent catalysts to this type of delicate imbalance, as the body is hurled at an unnatural speed that the sensitive tissues of the neck and head are not meant to withstand.
  2. A chronic migraine is one that never really goes away. Some people who simply happen to have brain cells that are extra excitable can suffer from chronic migraines ‘just because’, says Frederick Freitag, the Director of the Baylor University Medical Center. What could be a more frustrating cause of a headache?
  3. It’s a chicken-or-the-egg situation when it comes to flashing or bright lights and migraines. Although many migraine sufferers do believe that their headaches can be triggered by irritating light, an overwhelming 85{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} found that bright or flickering lights did worsen their pre-existing headache. Still other research found that individuals are more likely to have migraines when there is lightning active in the air, owing perhaps to a shift in the atmosphere’s electrical signals.
  4. A woman’s monthly cycle comes complete with a wild fluctuation of hormones that can cause a migraine in those who are very sensitive to this activity. One study found that nearly half of the women who experience migraines get them during their monthly periods. The rollercoaster of estrogen and progesterone that takes place just prior to menstruation can lead to what’s known as a menstrual migraine. When coupled with the relatively normal side effects of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), menstrual migraines can be the last straw of pain and discomfort.


Regardless of whether your migraine has sprung from a lightning storm, your monthly cycle, or a minor or major car accident, we are here to help. With you, we will co-create a treatment plan that may include Atlas Orthogonal adjustment and upper cervical care that gets to the root of migraine causes. Read what our patients have had to say about our migraine treatment.

What to Do When You Are in a Car Accident and You’re the DriverRegardless of the safety ratings of your vehicle, a body being tossed and jerked around within a massive metal cage of a car is not something that we humans are built to withstand. If you’re driving and encounter another vehicle or object in a head-on collision, chances are that your bodily trauma will be best addressed by a medical doctor, a chiropractor, or both.

Absorbing the Shock of an Accident

An auto bumper might be able to deal with a crash speed of up to 5 miles per hour, but a human head and neck simply cannot. Studies show that even collisions under 20 miles per hour result in injuries that range from negligible to severe. It all depends on the position of your head and neck during the crash, the nature of the impact, and how your body handled the alien range of motion that it was likely thrown into.

According to the laws of energy, kinetic ‘shock’ or energy can never be destroyed. Therefore, whatever shock of the accident is not absorbed by the vehicle is absorbed by the human body. Often, your neck, head, and spine bear the brunt of this impact. But because our bodies cleverly go into fight-or-flight mode to deal with the trauma of the crash, we can become numb to the pain and believe ourselves to have suffered no internal injury – when in reality, our spinal discs have come out of place, our neck and spine have become misaligned, and we will experience this pain weeks or months later.

Leave Post Whiplash Complications Up to Us

The latest research shows that whiplash occurs a lot more often that you might think, and can be blamed for much of the minor back pain that is so common today. Did you know that changes in speed of only 2.5 miles per hour can result in whiplash effects? You better think twice about your treatment plan if you’ve been in a low-impact collision and find yourself with minor back aches or nerve pinches – small occurrences like these can lead to major, expanding pain down the road.

Although the medical community as a whole can let you down when it comes to addressing your post-accident pain complaints, we at Atlas Brain and Body will not leave you in a state of chronic pain. We specialize in soft tissue injury recovery and spinal rehabilitation, disc and nerve pain, and muscle, joint, and spine conditions.


And if we’re not the absolute best caretakers for your situation, we are happy to refer to someone who is better suited to your needs. We have established referral relationships with highly recommended primary care physicians, pain management specialists, physical therapists and other licensed medical professionals in the Asheville area. No matter what your situation, we will assemble a team of caretakers and a treatment plan just for you.


Severe Lower Back Pain: Your Personal Plan for RecoveryBeen moving furniture lately and forgetting to lift with your knees and not your back? Or perhaps you slipped and feel on an icy step and your back just hasn’t felt right since? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to turn to prescription medications to smother your pain.

Over one-third of those who pay a visit to their chiropractor are seeking relief for their back pain. Sports and professional injuries, physically demanding jobs, and motor vehicle accidents are some of the most common causes of lower back pain…but what’s a person to do who has struggled with severe lower back pain for months or even years?

Chiropractic Care is the Answer to Acute or Chronic Back Ache

The evidence for addressing lower back pain successfully points directly to chiropractic care. In 2010, a study involving nearly 3000 patients with acute or medium-term pain in the lower back demonstrated that quality chiropractic care beat out all the other treatment options. More than physical therapy, various doses of pain medication, and exercise regimens, chiropractic care resolved the problem and put patients on a path to a pain-free life.

Slipped or herniated disc causing nerve problems and pain in your spinal area or lower back? This issue is best addressed with a chiropractic care plan specific to neuropathy. A good chiropractor knows the precise arrangement of nerves and how painful they can be if pinched or lodged in the wrong position.

Stay Drug-Free and Healthy While You Heal

The best physical environment for healing is a body as clean as possible from prescription drugs. Contrary to popular belief, pharmaceutical medications don’t confront problems head on – they simply veil the symptoms. The true, root cause of back pain is often a misalignment between the delicate nervous system, the spine, and the joints in that area. Between an upper cervical alignment, a spinal disc decompression, and various other gentle techniques, chiropractic care manipulates your body carefully into its best shape so that you can continue healing on your own and conquer lower back pain for life.

After you make an appointment with one of our knowledgeable staff, you’ll see Dr. Nygaard, the sole doctor and owner of our clinic, who will perform an assessment of your physical health and develop a treatment plan for you specific to your pain and health goals. We help you work within your lifestyle to address your pain holistically, paying attention to all the cogs of your moving wheel.

What to Do After an Auto Accident to Avoid Further InjuryIn that moment when the car accident that you’ve just been in is over, the potential for injury has, unfortunately, just begun. Take a deep breath. Know that caring chiropractors and holistic solutions are here to help you. Know, also, that many chronic issues that don’t rear their ugly heads until much further down the road begin with a car accident, even a minor one.

Isn’t the stress of being a car accident enough, without dealing with the possibility of even more severe injury complications later down the road? Those who choose to take their healthcare into their own hands and visit a chiropractor after an auto accident know that the answer to this is ‘yes’.

Warning Signs That Your Upper Cervical Spine is Injured

As a result of an auto accident, your spine and head may have become disconnected at that critical juncture where they meet at the atlas, the top vertebra. Neurovascular conditions that result from this misalignment are so often experienced but less often recognized as what they are.

Since your injury, have you experienced:

Even if your injury seems so inconsequential in couldn’t possibly result in something more serious, it’s in your best interest to get an assessment to make sure that everything is in its right place. Ultimately, injury of this type is cumulative. The longer you live with it, and the longer it goes unnoticed, the worse it can become. In the words of Dr. David Nygaard, “Injury does not need to be a serious whiplash or closed head injury in order to insult and compromise the upper cervical spine.”

Resolve Whiplash and More Before It Worsens

The time to catch these warning signs is as early as possible, before they lengthen into symptoms you have for a lifetime. The systemic bodily imbalance that is felt as a result of upper cervical spine injury spreads throughout the body, into every nerve and every cell. It affects the overall health of your body, not just your back pain or neck soreness where it may be focused. Whiplash has been known to appear up to 15 years after an accident, so when they say the time is now, the time is now. Not once the symptoms of chronic pain are already ruling your life.

Book an Appointment Now!

Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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