Can Sinus Infections Cause Neck Pain? What You Need to Know

sinus, neck pain relief in Asheville

Do you wake up with a stiff and painful neck? Does it often happen, which makes you wonder why you're experiencing them? Do you also struggle with a stuffy or runny nose too often? Can your stuffy nose and neck pain be related? Are you constantly trying to find relief, only to be disappointed by the lack of results? You're not alone. 

Neck pain is an all too common problem that can affect anyone for various reasons. Listening to your body and paying attention to your symptoms can help you find a solution. And yes, you may be right to think that your neck pain and a stuffy nose may be connected. So, if your neck pain is bugging you too much, looking at your sinus problems may be your potential source of neck pain relief in Asheville. Keep reading to learn more about their connection and how you can finally free yourself from pain and discomfort.


Neck Pain and Sinus Infection: What's the Connection?

If your neck pain is connected to your sinus infection, you may notice pain similar to stiff or sore muscles. However, pain is not isolated to the neck. You may also feel tender and sore on your head, eyes, nose, and cheeks. This happens because of inflamed sinuses. 

Notably, the human head has several sinuses, including the pair of air cavities behind the nose, medically referred to as sphenoid sinuses. When these specific sinuses experience irritation or inflammation due to a bacterial or viral pathogen, it can influence the development of sinus infection with neck pain. 

When you're pursuing neck pain relief in Asheville, getting your sinus checked may help. This may also reveal any underlying issues that bring additional symptoms, such as problems with your autonomic nervous system (ANS)

If you have an impaired autonomic system, your body may struggle to properly regulate involuntary processes such as respiration, leading to difficulty managing sinus infections. If your ANS is detected early, it may be vital to eliminate your chronic sinus problem. This can eventually help alleviate all your symptoms linked to sinus infection.

Your ANS is part of the peripheral nervous system, which sends signals from your brain to various body parts that perform involuntary actions. It's integrated with your brainstem, and when it malfunctions, it can lead to health issues and difficulty in fulfilling its role, affecting breathing and regulating heart rate.


ANS Dysfunction and Upper Cervical Alignment

If your neck pain becomes too frequent following sinus infection symptoms, it might indicate that you also have issues with your ANS. It's probably how your body sends the message that you have a misalignment in this area, particularly your upper cervical spine. 

If you've ever had neck trauma or injury, even from many years back, it may have led to misalignments in this area which progressed over time. Contact sports or car accidents can trigger misalignments and worse sinus infection symptoms. Misaligned neck bones can impact the nerves responsible for regulating your respiratory system. Even the slightest misalignment can irritate nerves and lead to severe repercussions on your nervous system, and the only way to resolve this is by having your spine alignment checked.

sinus, neck pain relief in Asheville

Upper Cervical Care For Neck Pain Relief In Asheville

If you've been taking medications or tried different remedies for your nasal congestion and neck pain and yet you notice little to no improvement, it may be a good time to consult an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and get your spine alignment checked. 

Having your neck bones assessed through advanced digital imaging techniques can determine the degree of your misalignment. Then, our chiropractic doctor, Dr. David Nygaard can start customizing your care plan so you can receive precise and gentle adjustments to restore your neck's alignment and relieve your nerves from stress and pressure.

Don't let your suffering go on any longer. Book an appointment in our office to get your spine alignment evaluated. It might be the first step you need to take to lead you to a solution that works.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Neck pain is a prevalent reason people see a doctor or therapist. It's a huge health problem that can result from several factors and often has an obvious trigger or cause. If you experience neck pain, taking care of it with as much diligence as possible is essential. You can start by minding and assessing your overall posture. If you're unsure how you can do that, we have laid out a few helpful tips to get you started. Hopefully, following these simple practices can help you achieve lasting neck pain relief in Asheville!


Neck Pain 101

The neck comprises seven vertebral bones (C1 to C7) stacked one on top of the other. These vertebrae are connected with muscles and ligaments, forming a flexible yet strong pillar that holds your head. Although this pillar is strong, it's not immune to problems as we age or when things go wrong physiologically due to injury or trauma at some point in time. Hence, ensuring that this pillar is minded and maintained is vital. 

One of the simplest ways to care for it is by minding your posture. Whether standing, sitting, or lying on your bed, you ought to be diligent in keeping your spine's proper alignment to avoid putting excessive force or strain on your body.

posture, neck pain relief in Asheville


Common Causes of Neck Pain

As previously mentioned, posture is an essential factor for your neck and spinal health and overall well-being. With that, we have poor posture as the number one cause of neck pain. It's a common occurrence, but you can easily avoid it with simple awareness of common postural problems and consistent effort and self-care.

Poor posture can cause neck pain in many ways. For example, pinched nerves may occur if you lean forward too much at your desk or computer, causing strain on your back muscles and pinching a nerve between two vertebrae.

Muscle strain is another common injury resulting from poor posture; this type of damage typically happens when you have poor habits like slouching in your chair or carrying heavy bags with one strap instead of both straps. This can cause you to tighten up the muscles in your neck and back, leading to more pain.

Another typical cause of neck pain is emotional stress. It may not seem like it would be related to your neck, but studies explain that it can increase one’s susceptibility to pain. Negative and overwhelming emotions can also result in muscle contractions on various body parts, including the shoulders, chest, and neck. Unfortunately, these body parts are close to multiple nerve roots that can potentially get compressed by the stiff and sore muscles and joints.   

Injury is another common cause of chronic pains, such as stiffness or inflammation around joints due to injury, such as whiplash while driving or suddenly hitting something while driving down the road at high speed. Elderly drivers are especially at risk; for example: if someone drives too fast, they could hit another car head-on. This can lead to severe injuries like broken bones and whiplash injuries. 

posture, neck pain relief in Asheville

Importance of Good Posture to Your Overall Health

Improving your posture will not only help with your chronic neck pain but your overall health! Our body is a system of interconnected parts, and good posture helps keep everything working properly. Good posture can reduce stress on your spine and joints, reducing pain, discomfort, and stiffness in your body.

It affects many aspects of your life and system. For one, it helps you breathe easier, which can help prevent asthma attacks or other respiratory problems caused by chronic tightness in the chest muscles or rib cage area. It can also reduce headaches and muscle tension, which are common among people who slouch for long periods each day – like when they're sitting at their desk job. This can also improve your mood because you'll feel more energized too!

If done regularly, practicing good posture tips will help reduce or prevent back or body pain—especially if an injury like a herniated disc causes it. It will also help you manage problems leading to worse issues, such as poor blood flow and nerve compression.


Simple Home Remedies for Neck Pain Relief in Asheville

There are several simple options for neck pain relief in Asheville that you can try on your own. These include:

If one thing doesn't work, keep trying others until you find what works for you. If your neck pain is really bad, it's important to be patient with yourself while trying different treatment methods. Don't give up! There is, however, one natural and effective way to address neck pain – even the ones that have progressed severely to chronic. It is the method and care route most recommended for neck pain relief in Asheville – upper cervical chiropractic care.


How can I improve cervical neck pain in Asheville NC?

Upper Cervical Chiropractic for Recurring Neck Pain

Countless people address neck pain and postural imbalances with upper cervical chiropractic care. Cervical chiropractors diagnose and manage neck pain with the help of sophisticated chiropractic adjustment techniques that focus on the topmost neck bones. If you're seeking a chiropractor with trusted experience and credentials, you can visit Atlas Brain and Body to meet Dr. David Nygaard. He practices the Atlas Orthogonal technique – a specially designed upper cervical chiropractic protocol that shows great potential in providing lasting neck pain relief in Asheville. Visit our practice today or book your appointment. Our office is available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8 am to 5:45 pm.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at


Vertigo is a particular type of “dizzy spell” where one feels like they are spinning, or the world around them is spinning. There are a number of causes of vertigo, including inner ear conditions (e.g. Meniere’s Disease), medication side effects, and stroke, to name a few. Head and neck trauma are also associated with vertigo, and are often overlooked.


Dizziness can be a one-time event, or it can be a chronic, long-lasting problem. Nearly everyone who is dizzy will get better. This is because a person’s sense of balance is a complex interaction between the brain, each ear’s separate vestibular system, sensors in the muscles, and sense of vision. When one component breaks down, the others usually learn to compensate.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
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Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



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Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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