Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser TherapyEffective pain relief for our patients is our highest priority.  Therefore, we utilize many advanced techniques in our office. One of the treatments that has helped many of our patients is cold laser therapy.  Cold laser therapy is a gentle, noninvasive method of treating many different types of pain. It is a relatively new treatment, but has already helped many of our clients on their path to a "pain free life"!

What is Cold Laser Therapy?

For the last four decades, cold laser therapy has been utilized in healthcare all over the world.  This therapy is used to treat many conditions. However, it works best as part of a chiropractic treatment plan.

Tendonitis, joint pain, and arthritis pain have all been successfully treated using this method.  It can also be extremely helpful in treating fibromyalgia pain, lower back pain, and soft tissue injuries. The non invasive procedure makes it an excellent alternative to surgery in many cases.

How does it work?

Studies have shown that the light sensitive elements within our bodies' cellular tissue respond well to light therapy.  When the cells absorb light, they work together to start the process of repairing damaged tissue.  By utilizing the cells' natural energies, this therapy can result in reduction of inflammation.  It increases blood flow to the area and stimulates nerve function. It also has been shown to reduce overall healing time.

And best of all, it facilitates this healing process with no side effects or pain!

As cold laser therapy addresses the cause of pain and not only the symptoms, several treatments may be needed to achieve results.  It is relatively inexpensive and most people see great improvement.  However, as with any treatment, checking with the doctor is an important preliminary step.

Dr. Nygaard can advise whether this treatment will be the most effective for your condition. It has led many patients to achieve amazing results in reducing their pain when used in along with chiropractic care.

Cold laser therapy is not a substitute for spinal care, though it is a great addition to your wellness "tool kit".  The concept of the wellness "tool kit" is a helpful analogy when looking at overall health.  Other elements of the "tool kit" include nutrition, water intake, exercise, and regular chiropractic adjustments.  All of these work together to ensure that you're feeling your best and able to do more of what you love.

Here at Atlas Brain and Body, we are committed to improving the lives of our patients through patient education. Visit our website to learn more.  Or, give us a call and we will be happy to help!

How long will it take for me to get better?





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This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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