Most episodes of neck pain are due to a muscle strain or other soft tissue sprain (ligaments, tendons), spinal misalignment, or atlas misalignment. This type of injury can also be caused by a sudden force (whiplash).
These types of pain often improve with time and with non-surgical care such as medications and chiropractic care. But if the pain continues, worsens or is accompanied by arm pain or numbness, there is often a specific condition that requires treatment.
Cervical degenerative disc disease, cervical herniated disc, cervical stenosis, and cervical arthritis can all lead to this type of pain. Each of these conditions has unique symptoms and treatment approaches.
Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700
Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
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