Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia

Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia

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Although there is no consensus on its cause, fibromyalgia appears to be both an inflammatory condition and a neuromuscular condition – meaning that it involves both the body and the brain. It appears to begin by inflammation of the fibrous tissue that surrounds muscles and joints from overuse or injury that send pain signals to the brain.

In the case of fibromyalgia, these signals are amplified and become chronic, and in some cases lead to debility. Researchers believe that “central sensitization” occurs. This is a neurological rewiring, possibly with genetic links, that results in a lower threshold for pain because of increased sensitivity in the brain to pain signals.

Fibromyalgia is commonly a direct result of atlas misalignment, which places measurable pressure on the spinal cord at the level of the brain stem. This adversely affects the brain/body nerve signals, irritates the surrounding soft tissue, and also affects the blood supply to the brain and the proper flow of cerebro-spinal fluid.

This condition routinely responds positively to Atlas Orthogonal as well as laser, infrared light therapy and nerve repair protocols.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
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This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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