Every year, the weight-loss industry in the US makes billions of dollars on products and services that range from evidence-based to complete scams that could be detrimental to your health.
Where to begin?!
That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy skepticism and follow the advice of a health care professional when it comes to creating a healthy weight-loss plan.
Here’s the thing: if you’re seeking to lose weight, all you really want to know is: what will work for ME?
Your chiropractor is a health care professional who knows you, your body, your habits, your pain points, your struggles, and your health goals--and is well-positioned to help you create a customized plan.
It’s safe to assume that you’re going to achieve your goals by making some changes to your nutrition and exercise. (And also by drinking enough water, getting good sleep, and doing activities that cultivate a sense of well-being. This will all go into your plan!)
And here’s where chiropractic adjustments really come into play:
If you have chronic back pain, for example, you’re likely to be less motivated to use the rowing machine at the gym.
If you have a limited range of motion in your hip, you might not feel that jazzed about taking a brisk walk.
You’re also much less likely to stick to the plan when you’re exhausted, dehydrated, depressed, or generally overwhelmed.
Even if you commit to these activities consciously, your subconscious brain is getting signals through your nervous system that it would be safest and best just to stay on the couch.
And that will set you back.
So it’s absolutely in your best interest to schedule regular chiropractic adjustments to get your body into optimal alignment--so you don’t find yourself in this counterproductive spiral.
Removing subluxations can help you move better and help calm your nervous system so your body can function optimally.
At Atlas Chiropractic, we believe that losing weight needs to be part of a holistic plan to start taking really good care of yourself.
We’re ready to help you design your plan so you can feel great and get the most out of life!
Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700
Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
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