Upper Cervical Chiropractic for TMJD Relief: Does It Work?

Are you tired of the constant pain, discomfort, and limitations that come with your TMJ issues? Does your jaw's clicking, popping, and locking make it hard to eat, speak, or even smile? Have you tried different remedies only to find temporary relief or no improvement? Are you feeling frustrated, hopeless, and desperate for a natural solution? 

TMJ issues can bring a lot of discomfort in your jaw area. It can also bring headaches, earaches, neck pain, and even emotional stress, which can progress to depression and anxiety. Your problem is not just a minor inconvenience or a passing discomfort. It's a life-altering experience that can rob you of your quality of life and sense of self. 

So, is there a natural, non-invasive, and practical approach to help you finally overcome this debilitating condition? Can an Upper Cervical Chiropractor help with TMJ in Asheville NC? Keep reading! Let's explore these question together and see what solution awaits you.


Can an Upper Cervical Chiropractor help with TMJ in Asheville NC

Understanding TMJ Causes, and Symptoms

TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, usually affects your joints that control the movement of your jaw. The exact causes of some TMJ cases are still unknown, but several factors can contribute to its development. These factors may include: 

Symptoms of TMJ can vary from person to person, but some common signs will include:

TMJ can also cause secondary symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, and depression, which can further impact a person's quality of life. Therefore, it's important to recognize these signs and symptoms and seek proper diagnosis and care from a qualified healthcare professional. You may seek help from an Upper Cervical Chiropractor for natural relief options.


Can an Upper Cervical Chiropractor help with TMJ in Asheville NC?

The short answer? YES! Upper Cervical Chiropractic focuses on the uppermost part of your spine, where your atlas and axis are found. These bones are located at the base of the skull and support the weight of the head. Upper Cervical Chiropractic adjustments apply gentle and precise adjustments to these bones to correct misalignments. Misalignments can impact the functioning of different parts of your body, including your TMJ. They are usually a result of accidents, injuries, or repetitive trauma and stress endured in the neck or head.

If you haven't been to an Upper Cervical Chiropractic office, your chiropractic doctor will thoroughly assess your topmost neck bones to identify misalignments or imbalances. This will help you receive personalized series of adjustments to correct these misalignments and imbalances. It will also help you realign the bones and remove any nerve interference, preventing your body from healing. 

Your first appointment determines if Upper Cervical Chiropractic is suitable for your TMJ. Many patients report significant improvements in their TMJ symptoms and overall health and well-being after receiving a few adjustments. However, remember that adjustments are not a one-time thing. You may need a series of adjustments to correct severe misalignments and to help your body gradually restore balance in the spine.

Can an Upper Cervical Chiropractor help with TMJ in Asheville NC

Visit us at Atlas Brain and Body for more information on Atlas Adjustments

You might be surprised that many health issues can be relieved through Upper Cervical Care. To help you sort out your issues, book an appointment with us. You can also share this article with your friends and family suffering from TMJ and other health issues that don't go away.

Our team is committed to providing all our patients with personalized care through Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward restoring your jaw's proper function so you can enjoy your favorite meals or simply smile without pain again! See you in our office soon!


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

natural relief for back pain in Ashville

Have you ever been in the middle of a fun day, only to have back pain suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks? Back pain can strike suddenly and unexpectedly, regardless of what day it is for you. Physical activity can exacerbate the pain, causing discomfort and difficulty in movement. Pushing through the pain may seem like a good idea at the time, but it can result in increased agony and a sense of defeat. Watching loved ones enjoy activities from the sidelines can be frustrating and isolating. It's important to take care of your body and recognize when it's time to take a step back to avoid exacerbating the pain. 

In this article, we’ll give you valuable tips and the most recommended form of natural relief for back pain in Ashville to help you break free from your symptoms.


Back Pain Activating Habits and How to Avoid Them

Many have developed bad habits that can contribute to back pain, consciously or unconsciously. Some of these habits are so ingrained in your daily routine that you hardly notice them. However, these seemingly minor habits can add up and cause significant damage to your back over time. Here are some of the most common bad habits that you must avoid to maintain a healthy and pain-free back:

Having a Poor Posture

Sitting or standing with poor posture can put unnecessary stress on your spine, leading to back pain. Make sure to sit up straight and keep your shoulders back when sitting, and use a supportive chair if possible. When standing, distribute your weight evenly on both feet and avoid slouching.

Lifting Heavy Objects

Lifting heavy objects the wrong way can cause a strain on your back muscles and lead to pain. Always remember to lift with your legs, not your back, and keep the object close to your body.

Carrying Heavy Bags

Similar to lifting heavy objects, carrying heavy bags, especially on one shoulder, can cause muscle strain and put pressure on your spine. Try to use a backpack or a bag with two straps to distribute the weight evenly.

Lack of Exercise

Lack of exercise can weaken your back muscles, making them more susceptible to injury and pain. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as walking, swimming, or yoga. 

Breaking these bad habits is crucial to avoiding back pain. If you already suffer from back pain, consider making small changes to your daily routine to alleviate the discomfort. Consult with a healthcare professional for specific recommendations on exercises and lifestyle changes that can help improve your back pain, especially if it’s becoming too disruptive.

natural relief for back pain in Ashville

Safe and Effective Natural Relief for back pain in Ashville

Do you constantly feel stressed and burdened by the ever-lingering ache that travels through your entire back, up to your neck and shoulders, and down your hips? You’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from this without knowing that it is somehow due to certain habits they’ve been doing. These habits lead to tension in your body that could worsen atlas subluxation – misalignment in your neck, especially after a neck or head trauma. When the atlas vertebra shift even by the smallest degree, you become at risk for nerve compressions that could affect your overall health. Luckily, there’s Upper Cervical Chiropractic!

Upper Cervical Chiropractic is the most recommended form of natural relief for back pain in Ashville, as it is safe, holistic, and effective. It involves the use of gentle, precise adjustments to realign the atlas vertebra, which can alleviate pain and improve mobility.

When you are ready to live more pain-free days, visit Dr. Nygaard of Atlas Brain and Body. He and his team will help you manage your condition with a care plan specially customized for you and your lifestyle. So what else are you waiting for? Book your appointment with a credible chiropractor today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Everyone's heard of back pain. It's one of the most common ailments affecting millions yearly. Sometimes, it stems from problems besides simple muscle strain. One example is sciatica, a condition that traces its roots to compressed nerve tissue along the lumbar spine. It causes unilateral pain in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. 

Low back sciatica pain can be mild or severe, but it usually starts on one side of your body before radiating down to other areas. If this sounds like the pain you're feeling, we encourage you to read on to learn what it would take to experience lasting back pain relief in Asheville.


What Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica causes pain in the lower back when the sciatic nerve gets compressed by a herniated disc, bone spur, or other bulging structure. The sciatic nerve runs through a narrow space between the sacrum and lumbar spine as it exits the pelvis and travels down the leg. If this space becomes narrowed because of inflammation or pressure on the nerve root, it can cause pain and other symptoms in the leg.

According to studies, sciatica can result from a variety of spinal problems, including:

sciatica, back pain relief in Asheville


Common Symptoms of Low Back Pain Sciatica

To help you ascertain whether or not you have sciatica, we have listed the usual symptoms our patients with low back pain share with us: 

#1. Numbness and tingling

A prevalent symptom of sciatica is numbness and tingling in one or both legs. If you experience this symptom, it is essential to see your doctor immediately. This will help you get a proper diagnosis so you can pinpoint the root cause of your pain and your options for pain relief. 

#2. Weakness or paralysis

If your legs become weak or paralyzed, it could mean that there's something seriously wrong with your body's spinal cord or nerves. People who experience weakness or paralysis often need surgery to repair damaged nerve tissues and regain full use of the upper and lower extremities again. 

If you experience these symptoms, no matter how subtle, please seek medical attention immediately! They could indicate serious complications that warrant emergency care. 

#3. Neck pain

If you have neck pain along with lower back pain, it could mean that there is an underlying issue. If this is the case, please see a doctor immediately! Neck problems can cause severe issues if left poorly managed. 

#4. Buttocks pain

This can be felt while sitting down or standing up. It's yet another common symptom of sciatica, especially when you have been sitting for long hours at work or driving your car for long distances without getting any rest breaks during this time period!

#5. Gait problems

You might also experience difficulty walking due to muscle spasms caused by constant pressure on nerves. The postural imbalance due to compromised spinal structure can also affect the alignment of the hips and legs, making it even more challenging to maintain a proper gait pattern.

sciatica, back pain relief in Asheville

Effective Forms of Back Pain Relief in Asheville

It can be frustrating to deal with sciatica symptoms, but there are plenty of ways to get relief from them. Some of the most effective forms of back pain relief in Asheville that you can choose from and try to manage your sciatica include the following:

Physical therapy

Studies dub this is one of the most effective remedies for sciatica. It helps by getting rid of stiffness in your muscles and improving your overall strength. It also enhances the range of movements you can do with the help of slow and guided physical exercises. 

Oral medication

Medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids can relieve pain symptoms. Just be sure to take them according to your doctor's instructions to avoid excessive dosage and ensure you increase your chances of seeing desirable results. 

Relaxation and exercise

Practicing relaxation techniques such as hot and cold therapy, home remedies, and exercise can help you manage your discomfort. It would help if you did these in moderation to prevent further injury or worsening sciatica symptoms.

Upper cervical chiropractic care

Chiropractic adjustments are another alternative treatment option to consider if conventional treatments have not worked well enough for you so far. Chiropractic adjustments are effective against lower back pain. It's also a great way to prevent future problems with your neck, spine, and hips. It focuses on the top vertebrae of the spine— the atlas —and its relationship with the rest of your spine and body. 

When this part of your spine doesn't work correctly, it can cause misalignment and pressure on other areas of your body. This can result in tightness or weakness in other joints and muscles, which can lead to pain or even injury.

This back pain relief method helps align the atlas so that it works in harmony with your other vertebrae and joints. This reduces pressure on sensitive nerves and improves blood flow throughout your body, improving overall health!


Work with a Trusted Chiropractic Doctor for Lasting Back Pain Relief in Asheville

If you're suffering from chronic back pain, trying every remedy under the sun can be tempting. Sadly, most remedies only provide short-term relief because they don’t target the root cause of the issue. So, instead of opting for quick fixes, we suggest taking a step back and analyzing what you can do to help your body heal and recover faster and increase your chances of enjoying long-term back pain relief in Asheville.

One example of a technique you should explore is upper cervical chiropractic care. It’s a highly recommended option to address postural problems compromising the spine and the tissues attached to it, such as the sciatic nerve and muscle fiber bundles. 

To get quality chiropractic care for your back pain, visit Atlas Chiropractic of Asheville. Dr. David Nygaard will help you restore your health as he has done for many others for over 20 years now and counting. You can set your appointment with him every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8 am to 5:45 pm via phone at (828) 253-0700 or our online appointment request form.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Every year August brings us National Golf Month. During this month, you might be trying to get all your swings in before the summer is over. Many golf courses and driving ranges offer discounts and deals during August to get everyone participating. 

Of the 25 million people who enjoy golfing, many of those players suffer from chronic pain. Golf requires a repetitive motion and uses a variety of muscles in your entire body. It requires most of the repetitive motion on one side of the spine. Because of this, your body may find it hard to efficiently guide your swing and have a load of stress on the lower back, neck, and wrists. 

The mechanics of your golf swing starts with your nervous system. That's why upper cervical care will keep your swing on track. By not having a properly aligned and balanced head on the vertebra, the signals that travel from your brain to your nervous system to all of your body parts, your body can be disrupted or distorted. Resulting in experiencing symptoms and developing pain, all while affecting your performance. 

To prevent the interference between your brain and body from communicating correctly, you must maintain balance and alignment on top of your neck. Upper cervical care will help you restore balance to your body and remove the interference. 

You can improve your golf game by making regular visits to the chiropractor. 

Your body can be balanced and function better, resulting in a BETTER GOLF GAME. An upper cervical correction is a gentle, non-invasive way to fix your pain. By applying a precise and controlled touch to your head, neck, and spine, your body can be restored and have balance by removing the interference in communication signals. 

There are many benefits of chiropractic care. Not only can it help with your golf swing, but also a tool to keep you on track to a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular adjustments can keep your body on track and perform maximum mobility at the top of your game. Even if you do not suffer from pain or injuries, chiropractic can help prevent injury in the future. 

Contact Atlas Chiropractic today for more information on how we can help reduce the chance of injury for golfers and promote healing! 

Good posture is a sign of many things; one of those things is a well-functioning brain. The body and central nervous system are connected. Your posture results from a developed proprioception, balance, coordination, and muscle function.

What is Proprioception? 

Proprioception (or kinesthesia) is our perception of our body's position and movement. The term "proprioception" was coined by neuropsychologist C.S. Sherrington, the combined Latin word for "one's own" and reception. Meaning paying attention to ourselves. 

If you think about it, you know exactly where every part of your body is. You know if your knees bend straight or not. You can close your eyes and touch your nose. This is because your proprioceptive sense lets you know where your body parts are.

These sensations are signals of sensory receptors within your muscle, skin, and joints. Proprioception helps us be aware of our own limbs in relation to external objects, control our movements, and keep our bodies properly aligned. 

Why proprioception matters

Proprioception benefits our bodies in numerous ways, from improving reaction time and speed to preventing injuries and improving balance. It's even been linked to reducing stress and being able to pay closer attention to things. 

Our proprioception worsens as we age, thus the higher risk for injury and falls resulting from things like twisted ankles or displaced hips. Diseases like Parkinson's can also affect your proprioception. 

Here are some tips to improve your posture and develop proper proprioception. 

Work on ways to Improve Your Balance 

Balance is directly linked to proprioception. It's impossible to balance yourself without the ability. That and proper posture require this ability and focus. That's why focusing on the issue of poor proprioception is going to generate more positive results. 

We may not realize how often we use our balance because it's a part of our everyday life. People who have poor balance can find the simplest movements difficult to perform. If you want coordination of good posture, it's vital to maintain good balance. 

There are many different ways to improve your balance. For example, Yoga is a great way to get low-impact exercise while improving balance and coordination. Try yoga-based balance poses like the single-leg Tree Pose. 

Practice proper Breathing Methods 

It's common for us to breathe with short, shallow breaths. But when we become more aware of our breathing habits, we can focus on taking slow deep long breaths. Breathing deeply and filling our lungs with air is directly related to posture. 

Deep breathing has been linked to decreasing stress, improving posture, increasing cognitive function, and decreasing pain levels, all while boosting your energy. 

Make Regular Visits to the Chiropractor  

Research has often shown that chiropractic adjustments focus on lower back or neck pain and musculoskeletal problems. While still associated with chiropractors, that's no longer just the case. More and more evidence shows that adjustments can transform the structure and function of the nervous system and brain. 

Regular chiropractic adjustments can improve proprioception, posture, balance, and coordination. 

Posture is a direct indication of brain functionality. Correcting the linked problems o proprioception and proper posture will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

The Cranial nerve is also referred to as the Vagus Nerve. The Latin word Vagus means wandering. This nerve is named because it originates in the medulla part of the brain stem, then winds through the body. Networking the brain with the stomach and digestive system, heart, spleen, intestines, liver, and kidneys, the lungs, 

The vagus nerve is a major parasympathetic nerve. The PNS or Nervous parasympathetic system helps keep us stable and helps heal our bodies. The PNS is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system (or SNS). Also known as the fight or flight system, the PNS is the Wine and Dine system. 

Vagal Tone 

Everyone has a specific Vagal tone. The strength of our tone is measured by how quickly our body can relax after stress. The stronger your vagus activity, the faster your body responds to a relaxed state after a stressful moment. 

Vagal tone (or VT) is the strength of your vagus response. The VT can be determined by measuring your heart rate and getting your HRV or heart rate variability.

A high vagal tone lets your body regulate blood glucose levels better and reduces the likelihood of things like diabetes, stroke, or other types of cardiovascular diseases. A higher VT means that your body can relax faster after experiencing stress. A higher VT is also directly related to a better mood and feeling less anxiety. 

A lower vagal tone, as part of the immune system, inflammation is helpful when trying to help the body heal after an injury. Still, it can damage organs and blood vessels if it persists when not needed. 

Why Upper Cervical Chiropractic 

The vagus nerve and upper cervical chiropractors go hand in hand because of the link between the essential nerves and the spine and upper neck. Spinal health plays a role in directing the health of the vagus nerve. Suppose the spine is altered in its position or ability to move. In that case, the information to and from the vagus nerve becomes interrupted. That's why chiropractic adjustments play an essential role in aligning and moving the spine to assure vagus nerve activity is doing its job correctly.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic plays a vital role in reducing chronic disease through adjustments that directly influence vagal nerve function. Research shows that Chriocpic adjustments can improve HRV by bossing the health function of the vagus nerve. By enhancing the vagus nerve, you will improve the way your entire nervous system functions. Resulting in lowering your risk for chronic disease and increasing your life span.

A better functioning nervous system will experience overall better health through regular chiropractic care. Call Us At  (828) 253-0700  for more information. 


Do you sit at work all day for your job?

If so, you’re part of the 86% of American workers who are sitting up to 13 hours a day.

At the same time, we know that human bodies were designed for the near-constant activity of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and there was nothing equivalent to the sedentary existence we now live. Our bodies definitely suffer when existing almost entirely in a seated position.

On top of that, desk workers often develop poor posture, with gravity pulling them into a forward slump. This puts a strain on muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia that, over time, can cause repetitive stress injury and chronic pain.

Before you throw your desk-based career out the window, consider taking some easy steps to give your body what it needs!

Whether you’re working from home or in an office, your first step is to evaluate your workspace to ensure that your body position is correct. Check out our blog post on working safely from home, which talks about how to set up an ergonomic workspace and includes a diagram of the ideal set-up.

Next, consider taking mini-breaks and doing a stretch that was designed to counteract the effects of long-term sitting.

The “Brügger’s stretch” was developed by Swiss neurologist Alois Brügger (the spelling of his name varies), who studied the pain caused by bad posture.

Essentially, you’re going to give your body some much-needed balance.

You can do this stretch either sitting or standing.

Brügger’s Stretch for Desk Workers Example

Here are instructions for both:

Brügger’s Postural Relief Stretch: Sitting

Sit on the edge of your seat and tilt your pelvis forward.

Spread your legs to 45 degrees with your feet turned out slightly.

Imagine a piece of string is attached to the top of your head and someone is lifting you up. Your chin is tucked in, your neck is long, and your shoulders are relaxed.

Fully straighten both arms to the sides. Keep your shoulders down and imagine your shoulder blades are pushing together and down into a V.

Externally rotate your arms so your palms are facing up and your thumbs are turned out. Separate your fingers.

Take long, deep, relaxing breaths.

Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times per hour.


Brügger’s Postural Relief Stretch: Standing

Stand with legs slightly apart, your feet in line with your hips.

Find a neutral pelvic position--neither arching your back nor tucking your tail under.

Imagine a piece of string is attached to the top of your head and someone is lifting you up. Your chin is tucked in, your neck is long, and your shoulders are relaxed.

Fully straighten both arms to the sides. Keep your shoulders down and imagine your shoulder blades are pushing together and down into a V.

Externally rotate your arms so your palms are facing up and your thumbs are turned out. Separate your fingers.

Take long, deep, relaxing breaths.

Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times per hour.

You’ll do your body a great favor if you integrate this stretch into your daily routine, along with as much exercise as you can fit into your schedule!

Consider setting up an appointment with Dr. David Nygaard to talk about other ways to prevent injury and ensure your ongoing health.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook


Sciatica is a term used to describe nerve pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.

As many as 40% of people experience sciatica at some point in their lives, and the likelihood increases with age.

A person experiencing sciatica feels pain radiating along the path of the sciatic nerve from the lower back, deep into the buttock, and down the leg.

The pain is described as burning or shooting pain, sometimes experienced along with numbness, and usually (though not always) localized to one side of the body. It can range from mild to debilitating and can prevent people from normal daily activities.

It’s also merely a symptom of an underlying problem.

So what types of underlying problems cause this type of pain?

Essentially, the nerve is being irritated or compressed somewhere along the line. Common causes are:

If you begin to feel sciatic pain, it’s a good idea to go easy with your physical activity for a bit. Take a few days to give your body rest, do some stretching to see if it relieves your pain, and take over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen to reduce inflammation. You can also try hot and cold packs on your lower back.

If the pain continues or worsens, consider seeking help from a chiropractor, like Dr. David Nygaard, MS MBA, for a natural and non-invasive treatment plan.

Atlas orthogonal is an extremely successful treatment for sciatica. When the spine is in alignment, the nerve is no longer pinched--and the pain disappears.

Spinal decompression is another approach that relieves the compression of nerves and lengthens the spine.

Chiropractic exercises are specific exercises that won’t aggravate the nerve but keep you active--which is important for the healing process.

Lifestyle changes can also lead to improvement; such as changes to posture for sitting, standing, sleeping, etc. to promote spinal health. They can also help to address existing issues (like obesity, diabetes, and smoking) that can predispose people to having sciatic pain in the first place.

Most people who suffer from sciatica are able to avoid surgery thanks to the treatment approaches above!

Consider the case of thirty-year-old “Sabrina,” who came into Dr. David Nygaard’s office with constant and severe sciatic pain in her right leg (and starting in her left), preventing her from basic activities like walking down the stairs.

She had already seen three chiropractors over a span of three years, as often as three times per week, with no improvement. She decided to see Dr. David Nygaard, her fourth chiropractor, as a last resort before having surgery out of desperation.

After her very first Atlas adjustment, she felt she had more energy and simultaneously felt rested, calmer, and less anxious. She felt like she could finally relax.

After two months, her pain was gone. She felt like “a different person” compared to when she was in pain. “Ask my son, I was grumpy and grouchy. It’s hard when you’re in pain!”

Dr. David Nygaard treated her with Atlas orthogonal adjustments as well as spinal decompression. She’s back to a regular, active lifestyle, with a much better quality of life.

Check out her video testimonial here

If you’re struggling with sciatic pain, let’s see if we can’t get you similar results!

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook



It's hard to escape from back pain.

Back pain causes more disability than any other condition. The spine is key to our body's movement, so it can lead to misery when it causes problems. And the risks involved in surgery to fix spinal conditions make it an unattractive solution.

Luckily, non-surgical solutions give us some success stories beyond surgery.

Read on, as we take a look at spinal decompression and how it can relieve back pain.

What is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression is exactly as it sounds. It involves stretching the spine to relieve pressure.

Decompression is used to relieve spinal problems without invasive surgery or complicated physiotherapy. The only equipment used is an adjustable table and a harness.

Your doctor will control the table by computer to gently provide traction to your spine.

Patients undergoing spinal decompression don't experience pain during the procedure. The process gently stretches out the spine.

Decompression procedures usually take less than an hour. It's most effective when used over a period of around six weeks in around twenty sessions.

Non-surgical spinal decompression is FDA approved. It can also be paired with other kinds of therapy, like ultrasound and electrical stimulation.

How It Works

Spinal decompression works with the spine's natural extensibility to ease pressure.

The human spine is a stack of bones known as vertebrae separated by cushions we call discs. Discs have a gel-like, rubbery consistency.

This allows the spine to move in various ways. Problems with the spine can occur when these discs are overly compressed.

One example of a disk problem is a herniated disk. This occurs when discs bulge out of their usual position. This can put pressure on the nerves in the spinal column and cause severe pain.

Decompression makes use of this natural fluidity to take the pressure off the discs by stretching out the spine. In some cases, this can reverse the negative effect of herniated discs.

The spine undergoes a significant amount of compression just from our daily lives. Our body is in a constant fight against gravity.

Bad posture, poor lifting technique, and inherited medical conditions can all make that fight more difficult.

The spine's natural state promotes the movement of oxygen, nutrients, and water through the body. By decompressing the spine, this natural state can be recovered.

This can promote long-term healing even beyond the initial therapy.

What Can It Do?

Now we know how it works, let's take a look at some of the conditions spinal decompression can help to alleviate. In addition to the below, decompression can also increase the quality of life for patients suffering from chronic problems.

Back and Neck Pain

There's no one root cause of back and neck pain.

However, back pain can often be traced back to misalignment or deformation in the spine. The spine is a complex structure of bone, discs, nerves, and muscles.

Back pain often results when this structure is deformed in some way.

Decompression helps to straighten out the spine. It also counteracts the squashing of the spine caused by day-to-day activities. This, in turn, can reduce back pain.


Sciatica is a kind of pain originating from the sciatic nerve. The reach of the sciatic nerve is extensive. Sufferers of sciatica can experience back, hip and leg pain.

They may also experience numbness or weakness in the leg.

Sciatica can have multiple causes. But doctors can usually trace it back to problems in the spine, such as disk compression.

Spinal decompression may help resolve some cases of sciatica by stretching out the spine, alleviating pressure on discs.

Herniated Discs

As we've mentioned, herniated discs are discs which cause pain by deforming outside their original position.

Decompression 'opens up' the spine to allow discs to slide back into place. This reverses strain from lifestyle factors that can put pressure on discs.


If you experience muscle spasms as the result of a back problem, decompression could alleviate your symptoms. Muscle spasms can be mildly annoying or severe and life-changing. It can take a significant amount of time for an attack to disappear.

You may experience back spasms as a result of injury to muscles or tendons. Sport and heavy lifting are both major contributors to back spasm, but obesity and weak abdominal muscles are also common causes.

By decompressing the spine, the treatment helps alleviate spasms by reducing pressure on tendons and muscles. Decompression can reduce inflammation and give your spine flexibility, reducing the tightness associated with muscle spasms.

Numbness and Loss of Sensation

As we've mentioned, your spine is more than a stack of bones. It's also the main highway of the human nervous system.

When back problems arise, they often affect nerves along with it. This can lead to numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation.

This particularly affects the legs and outer extremities. Patients experiencing these sensations may be stuck with constant low-level discomfort. They may even lose the ability to grip objects.

Spine decompression can relieve these symptoms by taking pressure from nerves in the spinal column.

Who Should Avoid It?

Although non-surgical decompression is low impact, it isn't suitable for everyone.

Patients with significant replacements or additions to their spine aren't suitable for decompression. This includes artificial discs and metal implants. Patients suffering from fractures and tumors should also seek alternative therapies.

Pregnant women and individuals suffering from advanced osteoporosis are also not advised to undergo decompression.

If you're unsure whether non-surgical spinal decompression is right for you, speak to your doctor before you undergo treatment.

Freedom From Pain

Many patients consider spinal surgery an absolute last resort. But back pain can ruin lives.

Some people end up suffering from conditions they're unable to resolve. Non-surgical solutions like non-surgical decompression could be your key to overcoming back pain.

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Your Guide to Pain Management in Asheville NCOver 100 million Americans now live with chronic pain. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, this burden of everyday discomfort not only costs us our health and happiness, but also costs our country a cool $635 billion dollars annually - and that was back in 2010. More importantly, being in a constant state of inflammation affects our mood, our relationships, and our interactions with our fellow teammates in this thing we call life.

Preventative care is the key to unlocking the treasure chest of health that each one of us can access. Drug-free solutions don\'t have to be complex or expensive. Instead, they begin with the simple things: food, self-care, rest, a stress-less lifestyle, and, of course, top-notch chiropractic care.

The Most Common Types of Pain<

Lower back pain is the winner here. As a result of poor posture, bad ergonomics at work or at home. Looking for Safe, Effective Pain Management in Asheville, NC?

Read more about Pain Management.

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Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
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This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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