5 Steps to Follow After a Car Accident

You just crashed your car.

Your mind is racing, your heart pounding. Am I injured? Are other people in my car or the other car injured? How badly is my car damaged?

Are we in danger of being hit by oncoming traffic? Should I get out? Where’s my phone?

What am I supposed to do next after a car accident?

Thinking through some basic steps ahead of time can help prepare you for this moment when you’re panicking and feeling unsure about the safest course of action.

Above all, remember to focus on your breath and do your best to remain calm. (You may want to screenshot these steps to have them available on your phone, or print out this post to keep in your glove box.)

Step 1: Pull over and call 911.

Stop your car. Pull out of the line of traffic, if it’s possible to do so. Don’t forget to turn on your hazard lights. Unless it was a super slo-mo fender bender and you’re absolutely sure no one was injured, it’s a good idea to call 911. The federal government’s website, 911.gov, recommends calling after “a car crash, especially if someone is injured” so, if you have any doubt, make the call. If you are injured, stay put until you can be evaluated by a medical professional.

Step 2: Exchange car insurance information.

Even if the collision was minor and there are no obvious signs of injury or damage, you still need to ask the other driver for their complete car insurance information. Some problems are not immediately apparent, and don’t emerge until hours or days later. This applies to both your body and your car! You need to have that info just in case.

Step 3: Get the business card of the officer who responds to your accident.

You’ll need the number listed on their business card in order to request the police report, which is vital for your insurance claim. If you don’t get the card, call the local police station and let them know the officer’s name and the date and time of your accident to request the report.

Step 4: Take photos and gather witnesses.

It’s extremely helpful to get pictures of the accident scene from all directions. It may not be obvious which photos will be most helpful later on, so take as many pictures as possible. Capture close-up shots and some from further away--and get all possible angles. If you think that someone’s witness account of the accident scene will be relevant, be sure to capture pictures from that person’s perspective.

For example, if the other driver told you after the accident that he/she couldn’t see you coming, you would want to take pictures that showed how far back the other driver had a view of the accident scene. And be sure to get names and contact info of anyone around who witnessed the accident.

Step 5: Contact an experienced auto injury health professional.

Once you’re safely home and have filed your insurance claim, make an appointment with an upper cervical chiropractor. Even the most minor car accidents can lead to soft tissue injuries and upper cervical misalignments. Left untreated, injuries from car accidents can lead to chronic arthritis and predispose you to further pain and health complications.

More than half of all whiplash injuries occur in crashes where there was little to no damage to the vehicle!

It’s best to err on the side of caution and get an evaluation--and especially if you’re already experiencing pain.

Because of the whiplash effect that happens in nearly every accident, we recommend a comprehensive spinal evaluation following a car accident. Unique, detailed X-rays can help determine subtle misalignments in the upper cervical spine that often go unnoticed until they cause problems down the road.

Between the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure, the PulStar Instrument and Spinal Disc Decompression, Dr. David Nygaard uses the latest technology to ensure your recovery.

If you’re in the Asheville area, call Atlas Chiropractic (828) 253-0700! 

We can also help you with the insurance process.

We work with a number of insurance companies to provide chiropractic care including Geico Insurance, Progressive Insurance, Statefarm Insurance, USAA Insurance, and Essurance, and others. The insurance process for auto accidents can be confusing, which is why our staff is trained to explain your benefits and options. We assist you with getting the proper tests and even work with your primary doctor to make sure we’re all on the same page for your care.

Dr. Nygaard has had tremendous success with patients who have sustained car accident injuries.

We hope you don’t find yourself in this situation--but, if you do, we can help.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook



Whiplash, also called cervical acceleration/deceleration (or CAD) syndrome, is a neck injury commonly caused by car accidents, falls, and contact sports. It results from a quick, jerking motion that forces the neck beyond its normal range of motion. When the head is suddenly and violently whipped back and forth, the cervical spine can be hyper extended, or forced past its normal range of motion. This can result in permanent stretching of ligaments.

Post Whiplash Complications

Whiplash, also called cervical acceleration/deceleration (or CAD) syndrome, is a neck injury commonly caused by car accidents, falls, and contact sports. It results from a quick, jerking motion that forces the neck beyond its normal range of motion. When the head is suddenly and violently whipped back and forth, the cervical spine can be hyper extended, or forced past its normal range of motion. This can result in permanent stretching of ligaments.

Chiropractors are able to treat neck and back injuries, whiplash injuries and help with soft tissue pain and injuries. Many times, individuals who have been injured in a car accident have so much muscle pain and stiffness that they simply cannot function normally. This discomfort, on top of other injuries, can be a serious issue.

The first step on the road to recovery from these injuries is to make an appointment with a chiropractor. First, your chiropractor may want to take x-rays to determine if there are serious injuries in the neck or spine. You may not notice the signs or symptoms of this type of injury, so it is important that you consider x-rays.

You may be suffering from headaches, pain or general discomfort as a result of a whiplash-related injury. Most people assume that whiplash injuries only occur during high-speed accidents, but a change in speed of just 2 – 3 miles per hours during an accident can cause them.

Some individuals experience indicators of whiplash right away, such as blurred vision, headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness, reduced range-of-motion and arm pain. Whiplash can also result in minor back injuries, muscle injuries, ligament problems, and disc damage. Other individuals may not experience any serious indicators right away and make think they are just “stiff” or “sore” after the accident, when serious injuries could be forming.

If left untreated, these issues can go on to cause other additional serious health problems. In fact, you may not think you have been injured after a car accident, and then start to experience discomfort or headaches several months after the fact. This is why you should always visit a chiropractor for an evaluation, even if you think there may not be a serious injury to blame.

When you treat an injury like this right away, you are putting your body in the best possible position to heal and recover quickly. This is why you need to visit a chiropractor right away. They can help put the spine in line and help the body start healing right away. Chiropractors can help relieve pain, provide exercises that can act as physical therapy for injuries and give you nutritional advice that can also help with the healing process.

The first step in healing after an accident is taking the initiative to go visit your chiropractor. With professional help, you can start recovering after a traumatic automobile accident and put yourself on track to fully recover.

Have you been in an auto accident? Please call us, so we can determine together if you can be helped by this specialized approach. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook


Unfortunately, there were over 6 million car accidents in 2015. Recovering from these can take a lot of time and money.

Even minor car accidents can leave you with injuries that will need attention. One popular solution is seeking out a chiropractor for help healing.

Have you recently been involved in an auto accident and looking for relief from pain or an injury? Thinking about seeing an accident chiropractor but still unconvinced?

Keep reading below for ten reasons you should make a chiropractic appointment following a car accident.

1. Treat Non-Obvious Injuries

Car accidents can lead to visible injuries such as broken bones and bruises. But others are less noticeable. Often when experiencing a trauma like an accident, your endorphin levels will mask some pain from injuries.

Once your body calms a little bit, you may then start to feel different types of pain. One concern after car accidents is whiplash.

Sometimes it can take a few days for whiplash symptoms to set in. These include dizziness, headaches, and a stiff neck.

Whiplash is a serious issue. The best way to handle it is to catch it early. An accident chiropractor will adjust your spine and work to minimize the pain and control any damage.

2. Realign Your Spine

Traveling speeds are sometimes very high when auto accidents occur. This speed creates strong forces that can strain your body. The jar from hitting another car or other object can cause misalignment in your spine.

This is often referred to as subluxations. These impact nerves, leading to pain like tingling and numbness.

Visiting an accident chiropractor will help deal with spinal misalignment. They are trained to correct these issues.

Depending on the severity and how soon you begin treatment, it could take a few months to complete treatment. While this seems like a lengthy process, you will feel much better.

3. Non-Invasive Treatments

Many people today get surgeries they do not need. If you experience severe back pain after a car accident, you may be tempted to consider surgery. Be wary of this decision.

Surgery is very expensive and often ineffective. Use surgery as a last resort, but first, consider visiting an accident chiropractor to treat your pain.

A chiropractor will be able to realign any joints that are causing problems. This will decrease your pain and help your body heal.

A chiropractor can also give you advice on other helpful pain relief methods to use at home. These could include stretches, exercises, or heat/ice application.

4. Recover with Less or No Medication

Visiting a chiropractor is a totally natural way to heal and manage your pain after a car accident. This means you do not have to take any medications.

While pain medication such as Ibuprofen can be useful for short-term relief, many people become too dependent on pills. Pain medication can mask injuries which will elongate healing time.

Your accident chiropractor will treat you without requiring any medicine. They will commonly utilize stretching and spinal manipulation. Many will also use massage techniques to reduce pain and assist blood flow.

5. Avoid Chronic Problems in Life

If you leave small injuries from a car accident untreated, they could become lifelong problems. As mentioned, whiplash is a serious issue. If not properly treated, symptoms can continue for life.

Chronic pain left untreated can lead to problems at work and emotional stress that impacts your family.

6. Visiting an Accident Chiropractor is Safe

One concern people have when thinking about visiting a chiropractor is safety. People often are scared because they have the wrong idea of what treatment will actually be like.

As long as you seek out a qualified, experienced, and licensed chiropractor, you should not worry. All reputable chiropractors will be happy to answer any questions and walk you through the process of treatments.

7. Address Multiple Concerns with One Visit

Because one part of chiropractic treatment is aligning the spine, your entire body will receive benefits. For example, you may notice improved mobility in your neck after having your back realigned.

During your visit, you will also have access to information about ways to keep your muscles relaxed.

8. Treat Soft Tissue Injuries

A benefit to visiting an accident chiropractor is that they can help with any soft tissue injuries you may have. Soft tissue injuries refer to anything wrong with tendons, ligaments, or muscles.

Being in even a minor car accident can damage parts of your soft tissue.

9. Decrease Stress Level

Getting evaluated by a chiropractor after a car accident will also give you some peace. They will be able to assess for any injuries you may not be able to see or feel yet.

If you receive the all-clear, you can be confident knowing you are healthy. This will leave you more time to focus on getting your car repaired.

If the chiropractor does find an issue, you can rest easy knowing you are in capable hands and will receive the best possible treatment.

10. Insurance Coverage

After being in a car accident, you will likely be concerned with how much repairs will cost. But it is important not to forget to take care of your physical health too. You can get a new car, but you only have one body.

Seek chiropractic treatment as soon as possible. This will decrease the chances of any long-term problems.

While you may be nervous about money in the midst of car damages, don't worry. Your insurance will likely cover treatments with a chiropractor.

This is because insurers realize chiropractic care prevents the need for more expensive treatment down the road. A few months of spinal alignment is much cheaper than complicated surgery.

Start Healing After Your Car Accident

As you can see, there are numerous reasons why you should seek an accident chiropractor after being in a car accident. Getting treated by a qualified chiropractor can help you begin the path to recovery.

Are you ready to take the next steps and find relief from your injury? Contact us today to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you.

Been in a Motorcycle Accident in Asheville NCThere’s a reason that the beautiful back roads in the mountainous Asheville area are peppered with this sign: “Look Twice. Save a life. Motorcycles are everywhere.”

Thousands of motorcycle accidents occur each year in our beautiful state, and over half of these result in injury that is often permanent, though the survivor may not realize it initially. If you've been in a motorcycle accident in Asheville NC, don't hesitate to ask the experts for help. Your body will thank you.

With several of the country’s most famous winding bike routes within 50 miles of Asheville, motorcycles are indeed, everywhere. Here are some of the most common injuries and damages to look for if you have been involved in an accident with one:

Only the most obvious of these traumas may be evident to someone who has just been in an accident. Unfortunately, a lot of energy post-accident is usually devoted to the legal outcome and the physical outcome of the motorbike or vehicle. Because of this hectic nature of recuperation, many non-obvious physical symptoms may be swept under the rug, only to surface months or years later, worse than ever.

Survivors of motorcycle accidents don\'t benefit from the same safety cushions as those in auto accidents, like seatbelts, airbags, and the like. Motorcycle riders typically suffer from more serious injuries, the five most common being: head injury, road rash (scrapes from being thrown off the bike), muscle tissue damage, nerve damage in the 'biker's arm', and leg injury. Luckily, prompt preventative care can do a far better job avoiding a life of chronic pain than seeking help later, when it is too late

We Can Help Motorcycle Accident Survivors in Asheville,NC

Chiropractic care isn't appropriate for all of the above injury concerns. But for some, it is absolutely critical to getting to the root of the issue and healing your body. Whiplash is one of these sneaky symptoms. Occurring immediately or well after an accident as a result of an awkwardly over-extended ligament or muscle, whiplash can rear its ugly head anytime. An upper cervical re-alignment, spinal disc compression, or another treatment modality will be able to aid the body in re-positioning itself and coming back into balance after the accident.

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment, neuropathy, disc compression, migraines, auto accident recovery.

Dr. Nygaard is the only doctor in the Western North Carolina area with this area of expertise and care. He is happy to customize a safe and effective treatment plan for you, so your free initial pre-consultation today.

If you are one of the thousands each year that are injured in a North Carolina car accident, look no further for practical solutions that will help you get off your feet and on your way to a full-body recovery. Distracted drivers behind the wheel mean a more dangerous roadway for all motorists to travel. Although about 1,500 car crashes are fatal in North Carolina each year, many more lead to injury, from serious limb severances to minor scrapes or bruises. Regardless of the severity of the collision, everyone injured in a car accident in the mountains of North Carolina needs to know the basic protocol to follow after realizing an injury.

How Severe is My Injury?

 The intensity of your crash will sometimes, but not always, determine how badly you are injured. External bleeding, wounds, and appendage damage are easily recognizable and generally considered worthy of a rush to the hospital. But what's not so easy to assess on the spot is the presence of internal bleeding, brain damage, and a spine thrown out of place. Subtle soft tissue injury and the beginnings of accumulating nerve damage often start with a car accident, and can lead to serious neurological disorders and immune system damage if left untreated.

When a vehicle must stop very suddenly as in the case of a collision, the cervical spine takes on a transformed shape as it is thrown out of position. This event results in whiplash, a sometimes debilitating pain in the neck area that can lead to chronic suffering for of individuals that have it.

Cervical dislocation, spinal cord damage, and disc injury are other common issues to watch out for. When addressing a car accident injury, it's important to remember that there is more to it than meets the eye. Sometimes a lot more.

Should I Seek Help?

In the aftermath of an accident, it's easy to blow off getting medical help. Let's face it -- you're dealing with lawyers, auto repair shops, health insurance, your job, and probably your family and your own trauma on top of everything. The best thing you can do in this situation is to get a chiropractic assessment. Surface injury is one thing, but internal injury and brain or nerve damage is an entirely different animal which doesn't always present obvious symptoms. One assessment can be the catalyst of healing with saves you thousands of dollars in avoided medical bills and pill prescriptions down the road.

If you need to know what to do after a car accident we are here to help. Our state-of-the-art chiropractic office offers the right tools and assessment techniques and expertise to get you through this traumatic event and deal with the particular type of injury that you are dealing with.

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment, neuropathy, disc compression, migraines, auto accident recovery.

Dr. Nygaard is the only doctor in the Western North Carolina area with this area of expertise and care. He is happy to customize a safe and effective treatment plan for you, so your free initial pre-consultation today.

Recovering From a North Carolina Car CrashNo one wants to be alone in their process of recuperating and healing from something so traumatic as a car wreck. That’s why we’ve put together this ‘quick-start’ guide to follow after you’ve been in a car wreck. As a chiropractic practice that specializes in getting people ‘back on the horse’ again (or back in the car, as the case may be, we see a lot of car wreck injuries. We’ve fine tuned what we know and want to make it as painless as possible for you if you’re recovering from a North Carolina car crash.

Don’t speed in the first place. Did you know that one-third of North Carolina fatalities in car accidents are caused by speeding drivers? By following the speed limits, you’re not only staying legal, but also significantly decreasing your chances of a bad – and possibly fatal – wreck.

So you’ve been in a wreck. First things first: before assessing the damage of the auto, assess any damage that you’ve incurred. Were you wearing a seatbelt? If so, great! It may have saved your life. But what you probably don’t know is that seatbelts create even more torque in a crash, which can potentially cause great damage to your spine, even though it may not be apparent until long after the fact.

Risks In Adults and Children After a Car Accident in North CarolinaIt’s hard to know what the culprit is with upper neck pain – is it your pillow, head rest, or swivel chair? Is it your posture or that bike injury you had a few years ago? Perhaps it’s whiplash from a minor car accident that you never thought could have such long lasting complications.

No matter what the influence – injury, exercise, posture, or another factor – neck pain is possible to beat. And one of the most promising, and absolutely non-invasive and drug-free, tools in the medical field is Atlas Orthogonal treatment, which works with your body to heal itself, not against it. Atlas Orthogonal works directly with the top bone of the neck to restore its proper alignment, building a bridge of health between the body and brain.

The Atlas Orthogonal Approach to Neck Pain: Proven and Effective

If there was one key to resolving upper neck pain, it lies in the gentle and specific adjustments that Dr. Nygaard performs to the top bone of the neck, the atlas. Deliberately manipulating the very first vertebrae in the neck allows your body’s natural healing defenses to kick in by restoring the organic flow of brain-body communication. Through this bone, the nerves of the brain stem run and disperse throughout the rest of the body.

 When your atlas bone is out of line, however, a communication barrier is put up between the brain and the rest of the body and often, signals are missed or do not go through properly. Just like a perfectly oiled machine, when the atlas bone is aligned correctly, the whole spinal column is likely to be operating well. When it’s out of whack, due to injury, a lifetime of poor posture and sleep positions, vigorous exercise, or any one of numerous factors, there is a distortion at the brainstem that can cause everything from immune system depression to swelling and pain in the neck area.

After a professional atlas evaluation and the correction of misalignment – or subluxation, the chiropractic term – is resolved, patients find improvement from a multitude of angles. Physically, they feel less pain, inflammation and swelling. Mentally, because the communication lines between the body and brain are cleared, there is a lifting of brain fog. Emotionally, some patients feel that there is an easing and relaxing into a dramatically improved quality of life.

What Can Dr. Nygaard Do For You?

As the the only Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor in Western North Carolina, Dr. Nygaard specializes in helping people in pain heal by creating a treatment plan specific to them. Using state-of-the-art diagnostic technology, he will examine you to assess the alignment of your neck. Even a minor misalignment can cause people major pain, so he will determine with absolute precision what the best alignment action is for you. The X-rays that Dr. Nygaard takes are computer analyzed for 100% accuracy, and exact calculations are made that trigger a gentle instrument to adjust your atlas. There is no pain whatsoever, and in fact some patients immediately feel relaxed and relieved directly after the adjustment

For the future of your neck and a life free of pain, an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment might be the one thing you haven’t tried; it might be the one thing that works for you, for the long-term.

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment, neuropathy, disc compression, migraines, auto accident recovery.

Dr. Nygaard is the only doctor in the Western North Carolina area with this area of expertise and care. He is happy to customize a safe and effective treatment plan for you, so your free initial pre-consultation today.

How to Get Over a Car Accident and Heal Your BodyGetting over a car accident isn't quite the quick fix that we might hope it would be. Every year in North Carolina alone, there are around 110,000 people who are injured in a car wreck. Thousands of these crashes are related to speeding, and increasingly, more car accidents are related to distracted driving due to technology. You got it: texting while driving. But if you're in a wreck, it's likely that you’re going to suffer from a much worse injury than just 'text neck'. You ask how to get over a car accident? We answer: trust the experts.

Chiropractors Specialize in Car Accident Recovery

Even more often than the obvious damage (open wounds and abrasions, for instance), individuals who have been in car accidents suffer from hidden damage to muscles, ligaments, joints, and nerves. These areas of the body are the sovereign domain of the chiropractor, who has specialized techniques to correct the damage rather than smothering it with pharmaceuticals.

Working through the aftermath of a car crash takes more than just determination and some pain pills, it takes commitment to a healing plan that recovers your internal balance...or you risk being dependent on prescription drugs for life and never fully becoming well again

You're At Risk for More than Just Injury

There's no 'just getting over' a car wreck. But chiropractic care attunes your body so that it is in the best possible position to heal itself. Human bodies are remarkably flexible and prone to recovery, but not if they're misaligned or inflamed due to whiplash or a fracture or break.

But what most people don\'t know is that car accident victims are up to 80{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their life time, simply by virtue of having been in a car accident at some point. Those who already have arthritis at the time of the event find that their condition progresses faster post-accident. Of course, if you've been unlucky enough to have been in multiple car crashes, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis becomes even larger. Good prevention and chiropractic care is a must, in this situation.

The Waiting Game: Don't Play It

Did you know that over two-thirds of those who get into a car wreck experience pain later down the road? We're not talking about just a few weeks or months away. The majority of individuals who are in an accident and go untreated are in pain up to 10 years later!

Car accidents can shift the musculoskeletal alignment of your body for good, if you have internal injuries that go untreated. The impact of a crash can jar the delicate balance of your brain stem and your spine, resulting in tiredness, brain fog, immune system depletion, and a multitude of other symptoms that come with time. Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a specialized procedure that uses sonar waves to bring the top bone of the neck vertebrae back into its proper position, improving circulation and fluid movement and increasing brain and immune function systemically.

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment.

Dr. Nygaard is the only doctor in the Western North Carolina area with this area of expertise and care. He is happy to customize a safe and effective treatment plan for you today.

What to Do When You Are in a Car Accident and You’re the DriverGetting over a car accident isn't quite the quick fix that we might hope it would be. Every year in North Carolina alone, there are around 110,000 people who are injured in a car wreck. Thousands of these crashes are related to speeding, and increasingly, more car accidents are related to distracted driving due to technology. You got it: texting while driving. But if you're in a wreck, it’s likely that you’re going to suffer from a much worse injury than just 'text neck'. You ask how to get over a car accident? We answer: trust the experts.

Chiropractors Specialize in Car Accident Recovery

Even more often than the obvious damage (open wounds and abrasions, for instance), individuals who have been in car accidents suffer from hidden damage to muscles, ligaments, joints, and nerves. These areas of the body are the sovereign domain of the chiropractor, who has specialized techniques to correct the damage rather than smothering it with pharmaceuticals.

Working through the aftermath of a car crash takes more than just determination and some pain pills, it takes commitment to a healing plan that recovers your internal balance...or you risk being dependent on prescription drugs for life and never fully becoming well again.

You're At Risk for More than Just Injury

There's no 'just getting over' a car wreck. But chiropractic care attunes your body so that it is in the best possible position to heal itself. Human bodies are remarkably flexible and prone to recovery, but not if they're misaligned or inflamed due to whiplash or a fracture or break.

But what most people don't know is that car accident victims are up to 80{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their life time, simply by virtue of having been in a car accident at some point. Those who already have arthritis at the time of the event find that their condition progresses faster post-accident. Of course, if you've been unlucky enough to have been in multiple car crashes, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis becomes even larger. Good prevention and chiropractic care is a must, in this situation.

The Waiting Game: Don't Play It

Did you know that over two-thirds of those who get into a car wreck experience pain later down the road? We\'re not talking about just a few weeks or months away. The majority of individuals who are in an accident and go untreated are in pain up to 10 years later!

Car accidents can shift the musculoskeletal alignment of your body for good, if you have internal injuries that go untreated. The impact of a crash can jar the delicate balance of your brain stem and your spine, resulting in tiredness, brain fog, immune system depletion, and a multitude of other symptoms that come with time. Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a specialized procedure that uses sonar waves to bring the top bone of the neck vertebrae back into its proper position, improving circulation and fluid movement and increasing brain and immune function systemically

Dr. Nygaard has been serving the Asheville community for 18 years and wants to help you in your journey to wellbeing. Specializing in upper cervical and Atlas Orthogonal treatment.



What to Do When You Are in a Car Accident and You’re the DriverRegardless of the safety ratings of your vehicle, a body being tossed and jerked around within a massive metal cage of a car is not something that we humans are built to withstand. If you’re driving and encounter another vehicle or object in a head-on collision, chances are that your bodily trauma will be best addressed by a medical doctor, a chiropractor, or both.

Absorbing the Shock of an Accident

An auto bumper might be able to deal with a crash speed of up to 5 miles per hour, but a human head and neck simply cannot. Studies show that even collisions under 20 miles per hour result in injuries that range from negligible to severe. It all depends on the position of your head and neck during the crash, the nature of the impact, and how your body handled the alien range of motion that it was likely thrown into.

According to the laws of energy, kinetic ‘shock’ or energy can never be destroyed. Therefore, whatever shock of the accident is not absorbed by the vehicle is absorbed by the human body. Often, your neck, head, and spine bear the brunt of this impact. But because our bodies cleverly go into fight-or-flight mode to deal with the trauma of the crash, we can become numb to the pain and believe ourselves to have suffered no internal injury – when in reality, our spinal discs have come out of place, our neck and spine have become misaligned, and we will experience this pain weeks or months later.

Leave Post Whiplash Complications Up to Us

The latest research shows that whiplash occurs a lot more often that you might think, and can be blamed for much of the minor back pain that is so common today. Did you know that changes in speed of only 2.5 miles per hour can result in whiplash effects? You better think twice about your treatment plan if you’ve been in a low-impact collision and find yourself with minor back aches or nerve pinches – small occurrences like these can lead to major, expanding pain down the road.

Although the medical community as a whole can let you down when it comes to addressing your post-accident pain complaints, we at Atlas Brain and Body will not leave you in a state of chronic pain. We specialize in soft tissue injury recovery and spinal rehabilitation, disc and nerve pain, and muscle, joint, and spine conditions.


And if we’re not the absolute best caretakers for your situation, we are happy to refer to someone who is better suited to your needs. We have established referral relationships with highly recommended primary care physicians, pain management specialists, physical therapists and other licensed medical professionals in the Asheville area. No matter what your situation, we will assemble a team of caretakers and a treatment plan just for you.


Request an Appointment Now!

Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
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This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



Office Hours

Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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