Golf and Upper Cervical Care

Every year August brings us National Golf Month. During this month, you might be trying to get all your swings in before the summer is over. Many golf courses and driving ranges offer discounts and deals during August to get everyone participating. 

Of the 25 million people who enjoy golfing, many of those players suffer from chronic pain. Golf requires a repetitive motion and uses a variety of muscles in your entire body. It requires most of the repetitive motion on one side of the spine. Because of this, your body may find it hard to efficiently guide your swing and have a load of stress on the lower back, neck, and wrists. 

The mechanics of your golf swing starts with your nervous system. That's why upper cervical care will keep your swing on track. By not having a properly aligned and balanced head on the vertebra, the signals that travel from your brain to your nervous system to all of your body parts, your body can be disrupted or distorted. Resulting in experiencing symptoms and developing pain, all while affecting your performance. 

To prevent the interference between your brain and body from communicating correctly, you must maintain balance and alignment on top of your neck. Upper cervical care will help you restore balance to your body and remove the interference. 

You can improve your golf game by making regular visits to the chiropractor. 

Your body can be balanced and function better, resulting in a BETTER GOLF GAME. An upper cervical correction is a gentle, non-invasive way to fix your pain. By applying a precise and controlled touch to your head, neck, and spine, your body can be restored and have balance by removing the interference in communication signals. 

There are many benefits of chiropractic care. Not only can it help with your golf swing, but also a tool to keep you on track to a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular adjustments can keep your body on track and perform maximum mobility at the top of your game. Even if you do not suffer from pain or injuries, chiropractic can help prevent injury in the future. 

Contact Atlas Chiropractic today for more information on how we can help reduce the chance of injury for golfers and promote healing! 

Good posture is a sign of many things; one of those things is a well-functioning brain. The body and central nervous system are connected. Your posture results from a developed proprioception, balance, coordination, and muscle function.

What is Proprioception? 

Proprioception (or kinesthesia) is our perception of our body's position and movement. The term "proprioception" was coined by neuropsychologist C.S. Sherrington, the combined Latin word for "one's own" and reception. Meaning paying attention to ourselves. 

If you think about it, you know exactly where every part of your body is. You know if your knees bend straight or not. You can close your eyes and touch your nose. This is because your proprioceptive sense lets you know where your body parts are.

These sensations are signals of sensory receptors within your muscle, skin, and joints. Proprioception helps us be aware of our own limbs in relation to external objects, control our movements, and keep our bodies properly aligned. 

Why proprioception matters

Proprioception benefits our bodies in numerous ways, from improving reaction time and speed to preventing injuries and improving balance. It's even been linked to reducing stress and being able to pay closer attention to things. 

Our proprioception worsens as we age, thus the higher risk for injury and falls resulting from things like twisted ankles or displaced hips. Diseases like Parkinson's can also affect your proprioception. 

Here are some tips to improve your posture and develop proper proprioception. 

Work on ways to Improve Your Balance 

Balance is directly linked to proprioception. It's impossible to balance yourself without the ability. That and proper posture require this ability and focus. That's why focusing on the issue of poor proprioception is going to generate more positive results. 

We may not realize how often we use our balance because it's a part of our everyday life. People who have poor balance can find the simplest movements difficult to perform. If you want coordination of good posture, it's vital to maintain good balance. 

There are many different ways to improve your balance. For example, Yoga is a great way to get low-impact exercise while improving balance and coordination. Try yoga-based balance poses like the single-leg Tree Pose. 

Practice proper Breathing Methods 

It's common for us to breathe with short, shallow breaths. But when we become more aware of our breathing habits, we can focus on taking slow deep long breaths. Breathing deeply and filling our lungs with air is directly related to posture. 

Deep breathing has been linked to decreasing stress, improving posture, increasing cognitive function, and decreasing pain levels, all while boosting your energy. 

Make Regular Visits to the Chiropractor  

Research has often shown that chiropractic adjustments focus on lower back or neck pain and musculoskeletal problems. While still associated with chiropractors, that's no longer just the case. More and more evidence shows that adjustments can transform the structure and function of the nervous system and brain. 

Regular chiropractic adjustments can improve proprioception, posture, balance, and coordination. 

Posture is a direct indication of brain functionality. Correcting the linked problems o proprioception and proper posture will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

It's easy for cervical instability to creep into our lives and become a prominent reason for the aches and pains you are experiencing. With the increase in smartphone use, computers, and other technology devices, neck pain has become more common among men and women.

What exactly is cervical instability?

Cervical instability is more than a condition. For those with cervical instability, the cervical vertebrae can move beyond their normal limits due to stretched and loose ligaments. When that occurs, the cervical spine can no longer work as it should, not allowing you to move and twist and turn comfortably.

The strain on the ligaments sometimes results in symptoms such as headaches, fainting, or even memory loss. Having those lax ligaments can result in chronic pain and affect specific body parts or the entire body.

What causes cervical instability?

Cervical instability has numerous potential causes, like so many other orthopedic problems.

The most common reasons for cervical instability include:

Trauma: Traumatic events like a car crash or injury can cause cervical instability on the spine over time. Often patients who experience cervical instability have experienced whiplash during a car accident or have some sort of disruption and trauma that overextended joints and ligaments.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): When having RA or similar arthritis conditions, the joints progressively deteriorate and affect the joints that connect to your vertebrae. Ultimately leading to cervical instability.

Genetic Disorders or Syndromes: Cervical instability is associated with other conditions and syndromes such as down syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos.

What are the symptoms of cervical instability?

When trying to understand what's causing your pain and if you are concerned you may have cervical instability, looking at key signs and symptoms can help you better understand your condition.

Symptoms of cervical instability include:

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed, it may be related to cervical instability. It's best to be evaluated by a qualified and experienced physician.

How is cervical instability diagnosed?

There are several tools and techniques to help diagnose cervical instability and diagnose clinically by assessing the patient's symptoms and medical history. In some instances, medical professionals will perform imaging studies to properly diagnose specific pains so you can seek further treatment.

Treatments and Prevention

To prevent and treat cervical instability, it's best to have regular visits to a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is a common and effective way to treat headaches, poor posture, and spinal misalignments, which are common symptoms when you are facing cervical instability.

Upper cervical chiropractic care can essentially correct cervical instability. Spinal chiropractic manipulative therapy can correct cervical instability," joint disorders, dislocations of cervical vertebrae, and MORE importantly  Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective solution for symptoms and pain caused by cervical instability.

Cervical instability is often underdiagnosed. If you are experiencing any symptoms of cervical instability, contact your chiropractor right away.

This is manageable and highly treatable. You don't have to live with pain and discomfort. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the Atlas Orthogonal Clinic in Asheville.

Atlas specializes in care for complex upper cervical conditions. Our patients struggle with their health over the years often because they don't know what's wrong or are usually provided with short-term relief for the pain. We focus on treating the root cause of the pain you are experiencing by treating the misalignment of the bone and vertebra.

Correcting these distortions requires specialized diagnostics and treatment protocols that aren't widely practiced—or even known about—in mainstream medicine or traditional chiropractic care.

If you've ever been told that nothing can be done, you'll have to "learn to live with it," or that medication and surgery are your only options, make an appointment at Atlas Chiropractic, ou where we expect you will find results you are looking for ????

Sciatica is a term used to describe nerve pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.

As many as 40% of people experience sciatica at some point in their lives, and the likelihood increases with age.

A person experiencing sciatica feels pain radiating along the path of the sciatic nerve from the lower back, deep into the buttock, and down the leg.

The pain is described as burning or shooting pain, sometimes experienced along with numbness, and usually (though not always) localized to one side of the body. It can range from mild to debilitating and can prevent people from normal daily activities.

It’s also merely a symptom of an underlying problem.

So what types of underlying problems cause this type of pain?

Essentially, the nerve is being irritated or compressed somewhere along the line. Common causes are:

If you begin to feel sciatic pain, it’s a good idea to go easy with your physical activity for a bit. Take a few days to give your body rest, do some stretching to see if it relieves your pain, and take over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen to reduce inflammation. You can also try hot and cold packs on your lower back.

If the pain continues or worsens, consider seeking help from a chiropractor, like Dr. David Nygaard, MS MBA, for a natural and non-invasive treatment plan.

Atlas orthogonal is an extremely successful treatment for sciatica. When the spine is in alignment, the nerve is no longer pinched--and the pain disappears.

Spinal decompression is another approach that relieves the compression of nerves and lengthens the spine.

Chiropractic exercises are specific exercises that won’t aggravate the nerve but keep you active--which is important for the healing process.

Lifestyle changes can also lead to improvement; such as changes to posture for sitting, standing, sleeping, etc. to promote spinal health. They can also help to address existing issues (like obesity, diabetes, and smoking) that can predispose people to having sciatic pain in the first place.

Most people who suffer from sciatica are able to avoid surgery thanks to the treatment approaches above!

Consider the case of thirty-year-old “Sabrina,” who came into Dr. David Nygaard’s office with constant and severe sciatic pain in her right leg (and starting in her left), preventing her from basic activities like walking down the stairs.

She had already seen three chiropractors over a span of three years, as often as three times per week, with no improvement. She decided to see Dr. David Nygaard, her fourth chiropractor, as a last resort before having surgery out of desperation.

After her very first Atlas adjustment, she felt she had more energy and simultaneously felt rested, calmer, and less anxious. She felt like she could finally relax.

After two months, her pain was gone. She felt like “a different person” compared to when she was in pain. “Ask my son, I was grumpy and grouchy. It’s hard when you’re in pain!”

Dr. David Nygaard treated her with Atlas orthogonal adjustments as well as spinal decompression. She’s back to a regular, active lifestyle, with a much better quality of life.

Check out her video testimonial here

If you’re struggling with sciatic pain, let’s see if we can’t get you similar results!

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook


How is Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic treatment different from traditional chiropractic treatment?

Training and Credentials

Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic is not a part of the core curriculum at most chiropractor colleges, but it does exist as an entirely separate specialty that requires students or established doctors to learn and develop competencies outside of basic chiropractic education.

Dr. David Nygaard is board certificated in advanced upper cervical care; Atlas Orthogonality. There are currently less than 250 worldwide doctors that has achieved this advanced certification.

Imaging & Technology

A major difference between upper cervical chiropractic specialists and traditional chiropractors is that the doctor will not adjust the patient without x-rays.
Dr. David Nygaard relies on detailed imaging and precise calculations. At Atlas Brain and Body we understand the importance of your care. Diagnostic imaging is an important first step in providing you with a tailored treatment plan that will ensure that every treatment is effective.

The high frequency digital x-ray technology allows for precision and accuracy when determining your misalignment. The reason that your Atlas adjustment is so precise is because of these very specific x-ray imaging. Getting started requires 4 images; 1 from the side, one from the back of your head and 2 from the front. These images are the analyzed with a unique computer program providing a unique blueprint of where your misalignments are.

Atlas Orthogonal treatment would be impossible without these images.

Specialized Care

Upper cervical chiropractors specialize in the most important part of your nervous system – the brain stem. Think of the brain stem as the junction box for your communication between the brain and the rest of your body.

Misalignment at the base of your skull can interfere with this communication. The most critical area to have properly aligned in your body is the vertebrae that are located below the skull (known as the atlas and axis – the first and second cervical vertebrae).

The upper cervical misalignment is the most complex and difficult region of the spine to align, but when correction is achieved the results can be simply amazing.

Specialized specific care also means that fewer adjustments will be needed.

Focus on head to neck balance

The focus of upper cervical chiropractic is to establish the proper relation between the skull and the top vertebrae called the atlas. This removes any interference to the nervous system that may be present as a result of an atlas misalignment.

As the correction in the upper neck is achieved the entire body is brought back into balance as stress on posture nerves feeding the brain stem is relieved. This is why people with problems even in the lower part of their body respond well to the Atlas Orthogonal correction.

Patients notice changes throughout their entire body as normal alignment and posture is restored.

Atlas adjustments have full body consequences, while traditional chiropractic mobilizes stuck joints. This single segment focus has less of a full body affect.

Atlas adjustments help to restore your brain to body communication.

Measure effectiveness after each adjustment

After your Atlas adjustment, your doctor will check to evaluate your nerve pressure to feel that it has been relieved and that the top vertebrae are now in proper alignment.

You will be also asked if there is any tenderness or soreness present.

Your doctor will also measure and validate that your body is in a state of balance and that your leg length analysis shows the legs are even.

Gentle and pain free

The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is one of the most gentle chiropractic treatments in the world. It employs a unique approach that focuses solely on spinal adjustments and never involves twisting or cracking, which makes it safe for even those with severe fear of being manipulated.

Patients feel little to no discomfort during treatment as they are only feeling light pressure from their spine being adjusted without any other manipulation techniques used by more traditional chiropractors like popping joints back into place or adjusting them using rotational motions often seen in many forms of manual therapy.


One concern people have when thinking about visiting a chiropractor is safety. People often are scared because they have the wrong idea of what treatment will actually be like.

Because Atlas Orthogonal treatments are so precise these adjustments are extremely safe. The adjustment is delivered by an instrument that uses just 3 pounds of force.

Watch a Patient Describe Her First Atlas Adjustment

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700.

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook

Chiropractic for Vertigo - Chiropractic Asheville
Photo by Benoit Beaumatin on Unsplash

In the 1958 Hitchcock film of the same name, vertigo is defined as, “A feeling of dizziness...a swimming in the head...figuratively a state in which all things seem to be engulfed by a whirlpool of terror.”

While the film definition is a bit dramatic, vertigo is generally described as a sensation that the world is spinning, tilting, or swaying. It can be accompanied by many related symptoms, such as lightheadedness, motion sickness, and problems with balance.

If you’ve ever taken a boat ride and then felt rubbery “sea legs” upon stepping onto solid ground, you know the feeling when the world around you isn’t where your body expects it to be. It can be disorienting and even terrifying--like your mind is playing tricks on you.

If any of this sounds like what you’re experiencing, let’s look at possible causes and treatments.

Here’s what you need to know about Vertigo:

The false sense of rotational movement experienced by Scottie Ferguson in Vertigo is an extremely common symptom caused by many different possible conditions. (In his case, it was brought on by a traumatic event and accompanied by a related but separate malady: acrophobia, a fear of heights.)

Identifying what’s causing your vertigo and how to treat it can be a bit of a winding path too. Spoiler alert: around half of vertigo sufferers never end up identifying the cause. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated!

First, you need to meet with your doctor to try to determine whether you have peripheral vertigo or central vertigo.

Peripheral vertigo

Peripheral vertigo is caused by any condition that results in an imbalance in the inner ear.  Around 80% of vertigo cases fall into this category. Inner ear conditions that can lead to vertigo include: labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, cholesteatoma, and Ménière’s Disease.

Let’s look at Ménière’s Disease as an example, since it’s a common cause of vertigo. People with Ménière’s have fluid buildup in the inner ear, which can lead to attacks of vertigo with tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness in the affected ear. The exact cause is not well understood--it might be a blood vessel constriction, a viral infection, or an autoimmune reaction.

Central vertigo

Central vertigo is caused by a problem in the central nervous system. This accounts for the remaining 20% of vertigo cases. Examples of conditions that may cause central vertigo include migraines, a head injury, or stroke.

One of the most common causes of central vertigo is migraines, which are extremely common in the United States--about 39 million Americans get migraines regularly. And as many as 40% have vestibular symptoms like vertigo.

Vertigo during pregnancy is also common--perhaps caused by (or related to) nausea, hormonal changes, and balance issues while the body is changing.

As you work with your doctor to determine and treat the possible underlying causes of your vertigo, you can make some basic lifestyle changes that can make a huge difference.

These include:

Eat healthy: Aim for a mostly plant-based diet and avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods. Don’t skip meals.

Stay hydrated: Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Get active: Move your body each day--do yoga, go for walks, ride your bike, dance!

Practice good sleep hygiene: Get eight solid hours of sleep and keep your bedtime consistent.

Manage your stress: Meditate for ten minutes a day. Do breathing exercises.

Upper cervical chiropractic adjustments to align your atlas can also be immensely beneficial in the treatment of vertigo.

The beauty here is that you can treat many possible causes of peripheral and central vertigo at once. Here’s why:

Atlas Orthogonal is an advanced chiropractic specialty which requires advanced training and specialty x-ray equipment and other approaches outside conventional chiropractic.

Though there are never any guarantees when it comes to health care, it is reassuring that Dr. David Nygaard is the only Board Certified Upper Cervical Doctor in WNC, and has practiced in WNC since 1997. He has treated many cases of vertigo, often with successful resolution.

Vertigo can make you feel out of control--but please know that many treatment options are available to you!

Set up a consultation with Dr. David Nygaard to discuss your specific experience. We’d love to help get you back on solid ground for good.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook


An increasingly large number of people are looking for chiropractor services these days. Unfortunately, not all patients are familiar with the services available to them, which leads them to search for the right service for a long time. Furthermore, few people have even heard of Atlas Orthogonal Care and how it can help you.

Atlas Orthogonal Care

To ensure all patients can gain access to the right service, we provide everyone with the information they need before making an appointment at the chiropractor. Today, we focus on the Atlas Orthogonal System, a service all prospective chiropractic patients should be familiar with.

What Is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic?

The Atlas Orthogonal System falls under a specific field of chiropractics. It is a technique designed to re-balance the spine in a painless and safe manner. By re-balancing the spine, the patient in question can regain the natural healing abilities of the human body.

Who Can Provide Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Services?

Asheville Orthogonal Chiropractor

Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Services can only be provided by a so-called Atlas Orthogonist; this is a chiropractor who has enjoyed six or more years of chiropractic education as a minimum. An Atlas Orthogonist must also have enjoyed dedicated training in spinal misalignment through the use of an orthogonal percussion instrument.

What Is the Difference Between Orthogonal Chiropractic Techniques and Other Chiropractic Methods?

An Atlas Orthogonist avoids the use of common manipulations, which are used by other chiropractors; this includes twisting and cracking. Instead, the Atlas Orthogonist will use gentle touches on the treatment area, which many patients prefer over forceful manipulation.To ensure a painless treatment, most patients will have an X-ray analysis before their Atlas treatment takes place. By locating the problem areas precisely, twisting and cracking movements can be completely avoided.

When Will I Feel the Effects of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Treatment?

Most patients will need several treatments at the Atlas chiropractor before they can experience a complete recovery from the symptoms that affect them. However, most patients will enjoy an immediate improvement of some of their symptoms after an appointment at the chiropractor.Some side-effects can be experienced after an appointment with the chiropractor too; this because the body needs time to heal and repair, subsequently creating those symptomatic side-effects. Common side-effects that can be experienced after an appointment with the Atlas Orthogonist are tiredness, sleepiness, and muscle stiffness. However, these side-effects subside quickly.

Which Patients Will Benefit Most from Atlas Orthogonal Care?

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Many patients can benefit from Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Services; this includes patients who suffer from regular pain. The treatment is also suitable for children, since it has shown to promote healthy growth and development. Want to book an appointment for Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Services? Get in touch with our friendly receptionists and book a consultation with us today.

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Atlas Prone MisalignmentThe atlas (the top bone in the neck) is prone to misalignment more than any other vertebra of the spine. It is a freely moveable joint, and with the second vertebra (the axis) provides most of the motion between the head and neck. Every nerve in our body passes through the atlas and interference or nerve irritation at the level of the brainstem can cause countless serious health conditions.

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This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



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Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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