Golf and Upper Cervical Care

Every year August brings us National Golf Month. During this month, you might be trying to get all your swings in before the summer is over. Many golf courses and driving ranges offer discounts and deals during August to get everyone participating. 

Of the 25 million people who enjoy golfing, many of those players suffer from chronic pain. Golf requires a repetitive motion and uses a variety of muscles in your entire body. It requires most of the repetitive motion on one side of the spine. Because of this, your body may find it hard to efficiently guide your swing and have a load of stress on the lower back, neck, and wrists. 

The mechanics of your golf swing starts with your nervous system. That's why upper cervical care will keep your swing on track. By not having a properly aligned and balanced head on the vertebra, the signals that travel from your brain to your nervous system to all of your body parts, your body can be disrupted or distorted. Resulting in experiencing symptoms and developing pain, all while affecting your performance. 

To prevent the interference between your brain and body from communicating correctly, you must maintain balance and alignment on top of your neck. Upper cervical care will help you restore balance to your body and remove the interference. 

You can improve your golf game by making regular visits to the chiropractor. 

Your body can be balanced and function better, resulting in a BETTER GOLF GAME. An upper cervical correction is a gentle, non-invasive way to fix your pain. By applying a precise and controlled touch to your head, neck, and spine, your body can be restored and have balance by removing the interference in communication signals. 

There are many benefits of chiropractic care. Not only can it help with your golf swing, but also a tool to keep you on track to a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular adjustments can keep your body on track and perform maximum mobility at the top of your game. Even if you do not suffer from pain or injuries, chiropractic can help prevent injury in the future. 

Contact Atlas Chiropractic today for more information on how we can help reduce the chance of injury for golfers and promote healing! 

Good posture is a sign of many things; one of those things is a well-functioning brain. The body and central nervous system are connected. Your posture results from a developed proprioception, balance, coordination, and muscle function.

What is Proprioception? 

Proprioception (or kinesthesia) is our perception of our body's position and movement. The term "proprioception" was coined by neuropsychologist C.S. Sherrington, the combined Latin word for "one's own" and reception. Meaning paying attention to ourselves. 

If you think about it, you know exactly where every part of your body is. You know if your knees bend straight or not. You can close your eyes and touch your nose. This is because your proprioceptive sense lets you know where your body parts are.

These sensations are signals of sensory receptors within your muscle, skin, and joints. Proprioception helps us be aware of our own limbs in relation to external objects, control our movements, and keep our bodies properly aligned. 

Why proprioception matters

Proprioception benefits our bodies in numerous ways, from improving reaction time and speed to preventing injuries and improving balance. It's even been linked to reducing stress and being able to pay closer attention to things. 

Our proprioception worsens as we age, thus the higher risk for injury and falls resulting from things like twisted ankles or displaced hips. Diseases like Parkinson's can also affect your proprioception. 

Here are some tips to improve your posture and develop proper proprioception. 

Work on ways to Improve Your Balance 

Balance is directly linked to proprioception. It's impossible to balance yourself without the ability. That and proper posture require this ability and focus. That's why focusing on the issue of poor proprioception is going to generate more positive results. 

We may not realize how often we use our balance because it's a part of our everyday life. People who have poor balance can find the simplest movements difficult to perform. If you want coordination of good posture, it's vital to maintain good balance. 

There are many different ways to improve your balance. For example, Yoga is a great way to get low-impact exercise while improving balance and coordination. Try yoga-based balance poses like the single-leg Tree Pose. 

Practice proper Breathing Methods 

It's common for us to breathe with short, shallow breaths. But when we become more aware of our breathing habits, we can focus on taking slow deep long breaths. Breathing deeply and filling our lungs with air is directly related to posture. 

Deep breathing has been linked to decreasing stress, improving posture, increasing cognitive function, and decreasing pain levels, all while boosting your energy. 

Make Regular Visits to the Chiropractor  

Research has often shown that chiropractic adjustments focus on lower back or neck pain and musculoskeletal problems. While still associated with chiropractors, that's no longer just the case. More and more evidence shows that adjustments can transform the structure and function of the nervous system and brain. 

Regular chiropractic adjustments can improve proprioception, posture, balance, and coordination. 

Posture is a direct indication of brain functionality. Correcting the linked problems o proprioception and proper posture will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Everyone experiences stress, but we all experience that stress in different ways. Stress causes tensions in your life physically, mentally, and emotionally. Learning to cope with our stress in a healthy way can sometimes feel unattainable. April is Stress Awareness Month, and it's important to remind everyone that there are many ways to help you with your stress. 

By finding a healthier way to cope with the stress, you can live a more positive and healthier life. Stress can impact more aspects of your mind and body than you think. The longer the stress goes on, the more susceptible you are to various mental and physical health conditions.

Studies show the most common reasons for stress among Americans include money, work, and political climate.  

When you're experiencing stress, your body immediately turns on its physiological response called the "fight-or-flight" response. This response gives you the tools you need to either defend yourself or flee. Once the perceived threat disappears, your body should stop releasing stress hormones, and everything goes back to normal.

One of the most common stress-induced symptoms- Headaches.

Stress can cause headaches and they can exacerbate others. Knowing the type of headache you have helps you find the solution and find the best pain relief. Getting those answers to better understand your stress triggers and contributors. 

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches, also known as "stress headaches," are the most common headaches and are directly correlated with stress. They include both sides of your head and forehead. When experiencing tension headaches, you may often feel both sides of your head tightening and the back of your neck. Tension headaches are presenting a question around your head and gripping it. 

The pain in tension headaches are caused by the buildup of tension in your body. It's normal to feel pressure when you have a busy schedule, especially when you have significant responsibilities weighing on you. 

There are two types of tension headaches:

  1. Episodic tension headaches occur fewer than 15 days a month.
  2. Chronic tension headaches occur more than 15 days a month.

Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustments are ideal for treating headaches because they address the root cause of your pain. By improving your spinal alignment, your blood can circulate more freely to reduce inflammation and irritation that leads to headaches. Chiropractic adjustments also enhance the flexibility and range of motion in your neck and shoulders. You can engage in exercise and physical activities without pain.

Many people who have experienced chronic headaches due to stress go to numerous doctor visits and don't receive long-term results. There is no magic serum that will simply CURE you, but there are things you can do to prevent stress headaches from causing havoc in your life. 

Getting results means getting to the cause of the pain and not just masking the problem with medications. Here at Atlas Brain and Body, we understand how to reverse years of degeneration and create a success plan that includes all the aspects that make up a proper health care solution. 

The fundamentals of upper cervical care empower the nervous system so that you can heal properly and experience true relief from pain caused by stress.

Call and book an appointment with Dr. Nygaard at Atlas Brain and Body today at (828) 253-0700.


It might be hard to believe, but the foods you eat can play a significant role in your spinal health. Suppose you've been experiencing spinal problems lately. In that case, getting on track with the proper diet is probably the next step to feeling your best. 

Specific food is packed with what your body needs to be healthier and more robust. By making the right food choices, you can get back on track to a healthier spine. Avoiding the wrong foods and replacing them with the right ones is the best way to start. 

Wondering what foods are best for your spine? Here are 5 of the best foods to consider adding to your diet to keep your spine healthy.

  1. Vegetables 

We know that vegetables are good for our health, body, and mind. By creating more vegetables in your diet, you can improve your spine and overall health and wellness. That being said, certain vegetables contain properties that will help fight spinal issues. 

Green, leafy vegetables like kale, cabbage, broccoli, and spinach strengthen properties like inflammation. These vegetables also contain nutrients that help support the spine. Your spine is the backbone of your body's skeletal system, and it needs all the nutritional help you can give it. These leafy greens are full of essential vitamins like A, C, E, and K for the bones and tissues for a healthy full-functioning spine. Things like vitamin K help with calcium absorption, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Magnesium in these vegetables also increases bone density and muscle strength. 

2. Fruits 

When adding fruit to your diet, you have to be more careful because the high sugar and overconsuming can negatively affect your health. While you need to be responsible, fruits have many health benefits on the spine. 

Berries are particularly good for spinal health. Pack with antioxidants that naturally fight inflammation and even reduce the risk of experiencing pain when developing arthritis. Fruits like blueberries have more than 20 different antioxidants. Cherries and grapes have similar benefits. Tart cherries have the most anti-inflammatory benefits of any other fruit. 

Pineapples are another fruit that can help people manage osteoarthritis pain. Pineapples carry an abundance of manganese that help prevent arthritis of the spine and strengthen connective tissues. High amounts of manganese and protein-digesting can also minimize flare-ups from inflammation and increase the strength of the spine and joints.

3. Calcium/ Dairy 

Calcium is essential for maintaining proper bone and spine health. The easiest way to add calcium to your diet without taking supplements is by increasing dairy in your diet. You can begin building your spine health by choosing the right type of dairy to add and not overconsuming it. 

Be smart about consuming dairy products to avoid adding too much fat or cholesterol. 

4.Omega-3- Fatty Acids 

Omega-3 can naturally reduce your body's inflammatory response and help the healing process. Omega-3 is known for decreasing chronic inflammation. Since inflammation is a contributor to back pain, reducing the inflammation will likely decrease pain you may be experiencing. 

Adding salmon to your diet regularly is a great way to gain omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon is versatile and tastes good. It can be prepared in different ways and suitable for your health in many different ways. 

5. Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are another great way to increase spinal health. Add one of these herbs and spices below to your recipes and daily diet routine. Try creating herbal teas, which strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. 

When changing your diet to gain better spine health, remove unhealthy choices gradually and replace them with better alternatives. Enhance your diet by replacing your meals over time with more nutritious options. 

A diet full of essential vitamins and nutrients is ideal for overall well-being. If you need further guidance on proper nutrition for optimal back health in your spine, consider making an appointment with Dr. David Nygaard to discuss your options for a healthier spine.

Contact Atlas Brain and Body today at 828-253-0700 to see how we can help. 

Tension Headaches and StressDid you know that there are more than 3 million cases of tension headaches each year?  This is a very common reaction to the high levels of stress in our society today.  So, if you suffer from them on a regular basis, you're not alone!

Tension headaches are characterized by mild to moderate pain, often feeling like a tight band around the head area.  There may be sensitivity around the sides of the head, neck and shoulders.  Unlike migraines, this type of headache typically does not cause vision or stomach disturbances.  However, if you struggle with chronic tension headaches, the pain can adversely affect your quality of life.

How is stress related to tension headaches?

Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from very demanding circumstances.  But what can be done to reduce one's stress level?

It is important to make quality rest a high priority to stay healthy and balanced.   Adequate sleep each night can dramatically reduce one's overall stress level.  While the body is resting, it works to rebuild and revitalize the body.  Give your body the time it needs to rebuild, and it will thank you!

Eating a healthy diet based on lean proteins, vegetables and plenty of water is a huge proponent of overall wellness.  Decreasing the intake of caffeine and sugar, and minimizing processed foods can reduce the occurrence of tension headaches.  The unhealthy additives found in many processed foods are difficult for the body to assimilate.  A good rule to follow: if you can't pronounce the ingredients, they don't belong in your body!

An active lifestyle incorporating lots of fresh air and exercise is important in stress reduction. Exercise can reduce stress levels in the body through the release of endorphins, and increase blood flow to all body systems.  It also helps improve one's outlook on life!

Many tension headache sufferers have found amazing relief in regular chiropractic care.  At Atlas Brain and Body, Dr. David Nygaard specializes in upper cervical correction.  He uses a gentle, specialized technique to ease the body back into balance.  When the body is in balance, overall stress is greatly reduced.  And you can get back to doing what you love!

How long will it take for me to get better?


Causes of headachesA headache is one thing, a thing that affects roughly half of the worldwide population at least once per year. But a headache that you can’t understand is an entirely different animal, resulting in not only confusion but frustration. While you can work on minimizing your triggers as long as you know what they are, a headache that comes on out of the blue can be as puzzling as it is painful. You might think about what you’ve eaten that day, what you’ve had to drink, whether you’ve exercised, or how many hours you’ve been staring at the dim flicker of your computer screen. But here are some little understood causes of headaches you might not think about.

A Medication Overdose Headache

Of the over 200 types of headaches that plague the world’s population, there is one that many people are unfamiliar with. Yet, according to Manjit Matharu, neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, one in fifty people who complain of a headache are suffering from a medication overdose headache. In the UK, for example, the BBC has reported that up to one million people have absolutely preventable headaches that result solely from the intake of too many pills. In our pharmaceutical-reliant society, this is no surprise. But, of course, it is a vicious cycle: people take pain medications for various issues, wind up with a headache, and dose themselves with more meds. In this detrimental spin, there is no room for the body to heal itself.

Headaches After Trauma

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a well known fact of life, but post trauma headaches? While common, this phenomenon is less accepted, though just as prevalent. Although the most common types of headaches are migraines and tension or stress pains, trauma headaches are frequently seen amongst those who have experienced a physically jarring or fight-or-flight situation. A car accident or a sports injury are good examples of trauma that might spur a pattern of headaches minutes, days, or even months later. Other accompanying symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vertigo, brain fog, memory loss, sleeplessness or excess, and habit alteration. When you’ve experienced a traumatic event, your top priority should be taking care of your health. This may mean seeing a chiropractor like Dr. Nygaard who can help in reversing the effects of the trauma by realigning your body to its natural self-restoration.

Drug-Free Headache Relief

Luckily, there’s at least one healing modality that offers completely non-invasive, drug-free, and actually safe headache therapy. Dr. Nygaard specializes in helping people get to the root cause of their headaches, by making minor adjustments that help the brain and body to communicate with each other more easily, thereby improving your pain response and overall health.

NC Headache Clinic Frees Patients From Headache-Causing Drugs

One-quarter of American households include someone who suffers from migraines, and the most popular treatment for these painful, often throbbing headaches is prescription or over-the-counter medication. Why not? It’s fast and easy, and seems to get the job done. But did you know that a large percentage of severe headaches are actually caused by these drugs? The World Health Organization has reported that as many as 5{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} of all headaches might be drug-induced. When someone has a migraine or other unrelated pain such as arthritis, they often pop a pill, hoping that the pain will go away. When it doesn’t, they take another one, increasing the severity and length of their headaches each time. The cycle must be broken.

Drugs Worsen Headaches and Health

The side effects of the drugs that are used to manage pain typically include ‘headache’ as one of the listed symptoms. How’s that for irony? Nausea, vertigo, neck, jaw, and throat pain are just a few of the side effects listed on the most popular pain medications. According to the BBC in England, over one million people are experiencing headaches as a result of their pill-popping habit. These are utterly preventable, and can be addressed healthily with chiropractic care which gets down to the heart of the issue, analyzing the root cause of the headache instead of putting a ‘bandaid’ of medication on it.

Don’t Cover Up Your Pain (Could this be re-titled as Your Guide to Pain Management in Asheville, NC)

Smothering your pain is not the answer. Rather, it leads to a whirlpool of pain, stress, and frustration that you can’t seem to fight your way out of. If you’ve found yourself reaching for pain medications to smother your pain, we understand. It’s only natural to want to feel good. But by working with Dr. Nygaard to examine the cause of the pain, there is hope to resolve it without having to rely on headache-inducing, costly, and dangerous medications for the rest of your life.

At Atlas Brain and Body, a top-quality NC headache clinic, it is our mission to provide with you with resources, health, and help along your way to a drug-free, pain-free lifestyle. We were the first NC headache clinic to have digital x-rays, and pride ourselves on offering you a friendly, professional environment where you will be seen, heard, and understood.


Four Causes of Migraines that You Don’t KnowWhen the painful force of a migraine hits you, it can be impossible to describe. Like being hit in the head with a rock for some people and like being needled by a thousand tiny stingers for others, migraines occur in over 38 million Americans.

It is often said that until you’ve experienced a migraine, you can’t understand it. Caused by any number of things, migraines result in misery across the board. With one in four American households containing a member who experiences migraines, there’s no doubt about how widespread they are.

But what you probably don’t know is just how strange some of the causes of migraines can be.

  1. Bodily injury that causes the spinal cord to be misaligned with the brain, otherwise known as subluxation of the atlas, is a common cause of migraines. The Atlas Orthogonal approach to dealing with migraines is repositioning the head atop the body in its original position, allowing for a steady flow of blood and bodily fluid between the brain and the spinal cord. Car accidents are frequent catalysts to this type of delicate imbalance, as the body is hurled at an unnatural speed that the sensitive tissues of the neck and head are not meant to withstand.
  2. A chronic migraine is one that never really goes away. Some people who simply happen to have brain cells that are extra excitable can suffer from chronic migraines ‘just because’, says Frederick Freitag, the Director of the Baylor University Medical Center. What could be a more frustrating cause of a headache?
  3. It’s a chicken-or-the-egg situation when it comes to flashing or bright lights and migraines. Although many migraine sufferers do believe that their headaches can be triggered by irritating light, an overwhelming 85{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} found that bright or flickering lights did worsen their pre-existing headache. Still other research found that individuals are more likely to have migraines when there is lightning active in the air, owing perhaps to a shift in the atmosphere’s electrical signals.
  4. A woman’s monthly cycle comes complete with a wild fluctuation of hormones that can cause a migraine in those who are very sensitive to this activity. One study found that nearly half of the women who experience migraines get them during their monthly periods. The rollercoaster of estrogen and progesterone that takes place just prior to menstruation can lead to what’s known as a menstrual migraine. When coupled with the relatively normal side effects of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), menstrual migraines can be the last straw of pain and discomfort.


Regardless of whether your migraine has sprung from a lightning storm, your monthly cycle, or a minor or major car accident, we are here to help. With you, we will co-create a treatment plan that may include Atlas Orthogonal adjustment and upper cervical care that gets to the root of migraine causes. Read what our patients have had to say about our migraine treatment.

Book an Appointment Now!

Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



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Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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