How Many Atlas Orthogonal Doctor Visits Can Relieve Vertigo?

Atlas Orthogonal Doctor, natural relief for vertigo in Asheville

Do you often find yourself caught in a dizzying whirlwind where the world around you spins faster than you'd like? And does it sometimes feel like you're walking on a tightrope, constantly teetering on the edge of uncertainty with every step you take? Oh, and let's not forget your eternal hope— that vertigo won't strike at the most inconvenient times. You're not alone!

Dealing with vertigo can throw you off balance, literally and figuratively. It's like being strapped onto a rollercoaster ride you never signed up for, right? But don't worry, because there's light at the end of this dizzying tunnel! If you're seeking natural relief for vertigo in Asheville, there's an option you should explore: setting up an appointment with an Atlas Orthogonal doctor. Of course, the frequency of your visit will depend on your condition and how well you can hold your adjustments. So the best way to get your answer is to visit them as soon as possible.


Upper Cervical Misalignment and Vertigo

This symptom is usually linked to an inner ear problem. But experts have also discovered a link between vertigo and upper cervical misalignment. The upper cervical spine, which includes the atlas vertebra (C1) and axis vertebra (C2), plays a crucial role in maintaining proper balance and alignment of the head and neck. These bones also protect the brainstem, an integral part of the nervous system which transmits signals to and from the brain.

Upper Cervical misalignment can affect the balance system within the inner ear and disrupt the normal flow of fluids and signals responsible for maintaining balance. This can result in various symptoms, including vertigo, sensation, dizziness, lightheadedness, and loss of balance.

Upper Cervical misalignment can result from trauma or injury, such as a slip, fall, or car accident. Poor posture, repetitive strain, or even the natural aging process can also contribute to misalignments in this area. Each person's situation is unique, and the exact cause of upper cervical misalignment may vary from case to case.

When these bones misalign, they can exert pressure on nearby nerves, leading to disturbances in the body's communication systems. This can disrupt the intricate balance mechanisms, resulting in vertigo symptoms. Correcting this misalignment is crucial for restoring proper function and alleviating vertigo episodes. Unfortunately, they do not heal on their own and only worsen over time. So consulting with an Atlas Orthogonal Doctor is necessary.

Atlas Orthogonal Doctor, natural relief for vertigo in Asheville

Atlas Orthogonal for natural relief for vertigo in Asheville

The Atlas Orthogonal technique can deliver promising results if you're seeking natural relief for vertigo in Asheville. This approach focuses on correcting Upper Cervical misalignments, which can be the root cause of your vertigo symptoms. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors are trained in gentle and precise adjustments that target the misaligned atlas and axis, promoting your body's natural healing process and restoration of balance.

By addressing the underlying misalignment, individuals can experience relief from vertigo episodes and other symptoms. On your first visit at our practice, Dr. Nygaard will conduct an initial consultation and assessment, carefully evaluating your medical history, symptoms, and if you've ever been involved in an accident. He may also utilize advanced diagnostic imaging techniques to pinpoint the specific misalignment, ensuring accurate and targeted adjustments.

After the assessment, Dr. Nygaard will present you with a personalized care plan outlining the recommended frequency and duration of visits based on your progress and individual needs. This targeted correction can relieve the pressure on nerves and facilitate your body's natural healing process. Book an appointment with an Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor today!


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Are you familiar with central vertigo attacks? Chances are you haven’t heard much about it because not many references talk about this type of vertigo episode. So, as your trusted Asheville chiropractic practice, Atlas Brain and Body decided to look into the top six central vertigo causes. Hopefully, by helping you understand these conditions, you can get better help and determine the best ways to move forward. 

#1.  Head injuries

Many people who come to an Asheville chiropractic practice for vertigo relief have a history of head trauma. That’s because the sheer force from an accident like a car collision or a head butt during a football game can impact the vestibular system. 

#2. Vestibular migraines

According to the American Migraine Foundation, approximately three percent of the adult population have vestibular migraines. Notably, a significant fraction of this group of people reports recurring vertigo episodes and dizzying spells.  

#3. Tumor growth

Whether malignant or benign, tumor growths can press on structures that help you detect movements and maintain balance. They can also impact other physiological functions like circadian rhythm and heart rate regulation.  Hence, if you suspect having a tumor on the brainstem or cervical spine, it would be wise to seek medical assistance to determine your next steps. 

#4. Multiple sclerosis (MS)

MS is a central nervous system disorder that occurs because of damaged or destroyed nerve tissue coverings. It is a chronic condition that triggers various symptoms ranging from fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, and mobility problems.

#5. Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke

Stroke, whether hemorrhagic (abnormal brain tissue bleeding) or ischemic (lack of oxygen), can impact the vestibular system. Besides speech and mobility issues, strokes can cause balance problems and dizziness. They can also pose significant life-threatening risks, so you must seek emergency care if you notice common stroke indicators like slurred speech and facial paralysis.    

#6. Vascular problems 

Cardiovascular issues like aneurysms (weakened artery wall lining), embolisms (having a blood clot or air bubble lodged in blood vessels), and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup) can affect blood flow to the brain. They can also increase your risks for complications and symptoms like vertigo attacks, instability, and paralysis.


Asheville chiropractic

Key Steps to Manage Central Vertigo-Causing Conditions

Central vertigo-causing diseases and disorders often require immediate medical attention. Hence, if you suspect having any of the abovementioned issues, we strongly recommend working closely with your primary physician. This way, you can manage your risks and understand the specific steps you must undertake to take control of the situation. 

Additionally, you should tap into helpful techniques to improve your overall health and wellness. A few examples include: 

Asheville chiropractic

Keep Your CNS in Good Condition with the Help of an Asheville Chiropractic Doctor

Can an Upper Cervical Chiropractor help with vertigo in Asheville?

It can be quite daunting to experience recurring vertigo episodes because of CNS-related problems. Thankfully, with a few lifestyle modifications and regular consultations with an Asheville chiropractic doctor, you can potentially manage your symptoms and lessen risks for complications. Let us help you improve your vertigo symptoms so you can enjoy physical activities or do your work or household chores without worrying about losing your balance, tripping, or slipping. 

We are trained in the Atlas Orthogonal Technique, a chiropractic protocol designed to remove stress in the cervical spine and brainstem. It’s precise and gentle, and it’s proven to work well in reducing the recurrence of spinning sensations and dizzying spells. 

Book your appointment at Atlas Brain and Spine by filling out our form. Our team would be happy to check your neck bones and provide tailored-fit chiropractic adjustments so you can enjoy natural and holistic healing.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nygaard, call our Asheville office at 828-253-0700. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Meniere’s Disease —Finding Natural Relief in Asheville, NCMeniere’s disease can prove to be a debilitating condition that causes falls, partial hearing loss, vertigo, and other symptoms. As many as 5 million Americans suffer from this condition. What causes Meniere’s and is there a natural way to reduce the symptoms? Read on to learn more.

The Underlying Cause of Meniere’s Disease

Researchers have postulated for years about the reasons behind this complicated syndrome. Some neurosurgeons are looking into the connection between inhibited blood flow to the brain and Meniere’s disease. Others continue to focus on the fluid in the ear. However, recent research has led some to consider what causes the problems with fluid in the ear and how upper cervical subluxations are related to Eustachian tube problems.

In fact, an upper neck misalignment can contribute to the blood flow issues. The vertebrae of the neck play a key role in facilitating blood flow to the brain—hence the vessels in this region being referred to as vertebral arteries. When the C1 and C2 vertebrae become misaligned, this can affect how these arteries function.

Also, upper cervical research performed by Dr. Michael Burcon reveals that Meniere’s disease patients are commonly whiplash injury victims. This has led to a notable link between neck injuries and the onset of Meniere’s disease, although most injuries take a decade or longer to lead to such problems.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

Free Vertigo Relief eBook from Dr, Nygaard

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Helps Meniere’s Symptoms

In the study noted above, 97{115649cd14c12cd94f0d147e1e5923e5cfd090a3a81f6b6da2d6b334a1994be8} of 300 patients saw significant improvement in vertigo and other symptoms within just 6 weeks of care. These benefits continued over the course of 6 years of observation.

At Atlas Brain and Body, we strive to provide similar results for our Meniere’s patients. We use the Atlas Orthogonal technique, which involves very precise adjustments of the upper cervical spine. These low force corrections are long-lasting and give the body time to heal. As a result, many find side-effect-free relief from vertigo and other Meniere’s symptoms.

To schedule a complimentary Atlas Orthogonal consultation call 828-253-0700 or just click the button below.

Request a Free Consultation with Dr. Nygaard

Is It Dizziness or Vertigo?Dizziness and vertigo can be sensations that are difficult to describe in words.  This might help to explain why many people use the words interchangeably, even though vertigo is much different than a dizzy spell.  As many as 40% of Americans age 40 or older have experienced some type of vestibular disorder, of which, vertigo is one.  

Dizziness is a term that can be used to describe various sensations, including:

Vertigo, on the other hand, is a false sensation of movement of either oneself or the environment around the person.  It is usually described as a spinning or whirling sensation.  A vertigo attack, especially a severe one, can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Vertigo - What Can Be Done?

Many times, the first line of treatment for vertigo involves medication to suppress the symptoms.  If your vertigo is related to Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, or vestibular neuronitis, these medications are designed to suppress the nerves which relay information to the brain about the body's position and balance.  Medications may also be prescribed to deal with the nausea associated with vertigo.  A low-salt diet might also be recommended.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

Free Vertigo Relief eBook from Dr. Nygaard

Upper Cervical Chiropractic – A Natural Option

Vestibular disorders such as vertigo often present themselves following some type of injury to the head or neck, even something as mild as a fender bender or a slip.  This creates a misalignment of the upper vertebra in the neck, the atlas.  

The atlas protects the brainstem, which plays a large part in relaying signals between the brain and body.  When these normal signals are disturbed due to a misalignment, improper information about balance can be received by the brain, leading to vertigo.  In many vertigo cases, identifying the atlas misalignment and correcting it using very precise, gentle adjustments is what it takes to get your health back on track naturally.


Consultation call to action:

To schedule a complimentary Atlas Orthogonal consultation call 828-253-0700 or just click the button below.

Request a Free chiropractic Consultation with Dr. Nygaard in Asheville, NC

Vertigo is the feeling that our surroundings are moving or spinning when there is no actual movement. Natural relief for Vertigo does exist. Click the video thumbnail for more information.


To contact our office directly call 828-253-0700

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Are you suffering? Is your body telling you something is wrong and isn’t working correctly? Explore a different approach to maintaining health.
This doesn't have to be the way
you feel for the rest of your life. Find long-lasting pain relief and restore brain-body balance at the only atlas orthogonal clinic in Asheville.


190 Broadway #205,
Asheville, NC 28801



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Monday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 5:45 pm
Thursday –8:00 am – 5:45 pm
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